Springwood to Valley Heights Link Road: Proposed Options
Consultation has concluded.
This consultation has concluded.
The Exhibition Period for this project is now closed. The summary of findings will be reported to the 20 August 2013 Council Meeting. A copy of the COuncil resolution will be posted following this meeting.
Blue Mountains City Council is conducting a consultation to gauge community views on a possible project/option for a Springwood to Valley Heights Link Road and whether the investigations into this proposal should proceed any further.
Four options for a link road have been developed for consideration. Depending on the outcomes of this consultation, the Council will consider its options which mayContinue reading
This consultation has concluded.
The Exhibition Period for this project is now closed. The summary of findings will be reported to the 20 August 2013 Council Meeting. A copy of the COuncil resolution will be posted following this meeting.
Blue Mountains City Council is conducting a consultation to gauge community views on a possible project/option for a Springwood to Valley Heights Link Road and whether the investigations into this proposal should proceed any further.
Four options for a link road have been developed for consideration. Depending on the outcomes of this consultation, the Council will consider its options which may include taking the next step of conducting a full environmental impact assessment and detailed design. Detailed designs will also allow the Council to then pursue funding for the construction pending external grant funding support of the preferred option
Community feedback is invited and encouraged during the Public Exhibition - 15 July to 4 August 2013
Please take the time to read the information provided in the Library on this website and consider making a submission. You are also invited to attend one of the following information sessions to discuss and view the proposed options for a link road between Springwood and Valley Heights.
Public Information Sessions
Share Public Information Sessions on Facebook Share Public Information Sessions on Twitter Share Public Information Sessions on Linkedin Email Public Information Sessions linkCouncil is conducting two informal information sessions as an opportunity for the public to discuss and view the proposed options, including maps and plans, for a link road between Springwood and Valley Heights. Council staff will also be available to discuss the options being considered and to hear community feedback.
Venue: Springwood Sports Club (Macquarie Rd, Springwood opposite Braemar Gallery) on:
- Saturday 20 July 2013, from 1 – 4pm and;
- Wednesday 24 July 2013 from 1-4 pm and again from 6-9 pm
How to Have Your Say
Share How to Have Your Say on Facebook Share How to Have Your Say on Twitter Share How to Have Your Say on Linkedin Email How to Have Your Say linkThe Springwood to Valley Heights Link Road options are on public exhibition between Monday 15 July and 4 August 2013 .
1. You can view detailed information at:
- The information sessions (see details in previous News article above) OR
- The Library on this webpage OR
- Katoomba and Springwood Council offices between 8.30am-5pm Monday-Friday during the exhibition period.
2. You can contribute by:
Making a formal submission online, using the Submissions tab on this webpage or by making a writen Submission which can be:
- Posted to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780;
- Hand delivered to Katoomba or Springwood Council office; or
- E-mailed to council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
If you are not making a submission online, written submissions on the Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road Options should be marked “Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road Options – Public Consultation Comments”.
The closing date for submissions is 12 midnight on Sunday 4 August 2013
3. You can ask questions:
Via the Q&A tab on this webpage. (Please note that questions on this Q&A are not regarded as a formal submission. This is simply an opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification).
Where did this proposal come from?
Share Where did this proposal come from? on Facebook Share Where did this proposal come from? on Twitter Share Where did this proposal come from? on Linkedin Email Where did this proposal come from? linkIn 2011, the Council resolved to undertake prelimary assesment of the viability of creating a link road from Hawkesbury Road Springwood, via Lawson Road, to Peninsula Road Valley Heights. This was resolved with the view to alleviating traffic congestion often experienced on Hawkesbury Road and Macquarie Road intersections during peak traffic periods.
For more information on formal resolutions of the Council regarding the Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road Options, you can find a summary of the relevant resolution in the Library section of this page.
Background Information and studies
Share Background Information and studies on Facebook Share Background Information and studies on Twitter Share Background Information and studies on Linkedin Email Background Information and studies linkThe work undertaken by Council so far includes commissioning a Flora and Fauna study, and a Traffic study which informed the development of four options for a link road and provided initial cost estimates.
A review by a staff Internal Working Group (IWG) determined that Route D (see Route Options) would be the most appropriate route for the construction of the proposed Link Road. Construction of a Link Road would have some negative environmental impacts, however these impacts were determined as “not significant”. A full Environmental Impact Statement process and Commonwealth referral, as per the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, would be required if this project were to proceed to the next stage.
The Traffic Study noted that the subject intersections operate near or at capacity during peak periods. Traffic modeling has predicted intersection service failures, resulting in significant traffic delays, within the next 18 years. Further modeling demonstrated improved traffic flows and reduced delays should the link road be constructed.
The Concept Design and Cost Estimate Studies have estimated the cost to progress this project to construction at $1.139 million and construction costs at $26.4 million. Currently there is no existing or proposed funding or resources to undertake further project development or construction of a link road.
Hawkesbury Road and part of Macquarie Road are classified State roads under the care and control of Roads and Maritime Services (RMS). Feedback on the proposal of a link road and a request for assistance were sought from RMS for this project.
Background Information and studies are available in the Library section of this page.
The Key Phases Following This Consultation
Share The Key Phases Following This Consultation on Facebook Share The Key Phases Following This Consultation on Twitter Share The Key Phases Following This Consultation on Linkedin Email The Key Phases Following This Consultation linkThis is a large capital infrastructure project for the council estimated at more than $30 million. If this project is to go ahead then it may include the following phases:
- Phase 2 - Undertake EIS and Public Consultatation;
- Phase 3 - Detailed Design;
- Phase 4 - Grant funding;
- Phase 5 - Corridor Establishment; and
- Phase 6 - Construction.
What happens after the public exhibition?
Share What happens after the public exhibition? on Facebook Share What happens after the public exhibition? on Twitter Share What happens after the public exhibition? on Linkedin Email What happens after the public exhibition? linkAt the conclusion of the public exhibition period, Council will consider the feedback and submissions from the community and determine whether it should proceed to the next stage of investigating a Springwood to Valley Heights link road. The next stage may be that Council seeks to complete a full environmental impact assessment and detailed designs. The completion of detailed designs would enable Council to then pursue funding for the construction of a preferred option for a link road, should the proposal get to this point.
A summary of the outcomes of the current community consultation will be made available on this website after the public exhibition period. Notification of future reports to the Council relating to this project will also be provided.
Document Library
Route Options - Springwood to Valley Heights Link Road (883 KB) (pdf)
Traffic Report - Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road (5.93 MB) (pdf)
Bridge Design - Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road (441 KB) (pdf)
Bridge Plans - Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road (4.15 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
19 July 2013
23 July 2013
23 July 2013
03 August 2013
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