Background Information and studies
The work undertaken by Council so far includes commissioning a Flora and Fauna study, and a Traffic study which informed the development of four options for a link road and provided initial cost estimates.
A review by a staff Internal Working Group (IWG) determined that Route D (see Route Options) would be the most appropriate route for the construction of the proposed Link Road. Construction of a Link Road would have some negative environmental impacts, however these impacts were determined as “not significant”. A full Environmental Impact Statement process and Commonwealth referral, as per the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, would be required if this project were to proceed to the next stage.
The Traffic Study noted that the subject intersections operate near or at capacity during peak periods. Traffic modeling has predicted intersection service failures, resulting in significant traffic delays, within the next 18 years. Further modeling demonstrated improved traffic flows and reduced delays should the link road be constructed.
The Concept Design and Cost Estimate Studies have estimated the cost to progress this project to construction at $1.139 million and construction costs at $26.4 million. Currently there is no existing or proposed funding or resources to undertake further project development or construction of a link road.
Hawkesbury Road and part of Macquarie Road are classified State roads under the care and control of Roads and Maritime Services (RMS). Feedback on the proposal of a link road and a request for assistance were sought from RMS for this project.
Background Information and studies are available in the Library section of this page.
Consultation has concluded.