How to Have Your Say
The Springwood to Valley Heights Link Road options are on public exhibition between Monday 15 July and 4 August 2013 .
1. You can view detailed information at:
- The information sessions (see details in previous News article above) OR
- The Library on this webpage OR
- Katoomba and Springwood Council offices between 8.30am-5pm Monday-Friday during the exhibition period.
2. You can contribute by:
Making a formal submission online, using the Submissions tab on this webpage or by making a writen Submission which can be:
- Posted to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780;
- Hand delivered to Katoomba or Springwood Council office; or
- E-mailed to
If you are not making a submission online, written submissions on the Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road Options should be marked “Springwood to Valley Heights Proposed Link Road Options – Public Consultation Comments”.
The closing date for submissions is 12 midnight on Sunday 4 August 2013
3. You can ask questions:
Via the Q&A tab on this webpage. (Please note that questions on this Q&A are not regarded as a formal submission. This is simply an opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification).
Consultation has concluded.