Knapsack Park Downhill Bike Track: Update
Consultation has concluded
Blue Mountains City Council is advising the community that construction of the Knapsack Park Downhill Bike Track is due to commence on Wednesday 7th March 2013 by consultants, DirtArt.
The information provided in the News articles below, details the work to occur, the modifications to the preliminary track design and the related changes to the Review of Environmental Factors.
You are encouraged to view the final track design in the Library to the right of the webpage. Updates of the construction work will be provided on this webpage throughout the project.
Please note that the community consultation on this project concluded in August 2011. This update is for information purposes only.
Blue Mountains City Council is advising the community that construction of the Knapsack Park Downhill Bike Track is due to commence on Wednesday 7th March 2013 by consultants, DirtArt.
The information provided in the News articles below, details the work to occur, the modifications to the preliminary track design and the related changes to the Review of Environmental Factors.
You are encouraged to view the final track design in the Library to the right of the webpage. Updates of the construction work will be provided on this webpage throughout the project.
Please note that the community consultation on this project concluded in August 2011. This update is for information purposes only.
Construction of downhill track to start
Share Construction of downhill track to start on Facebook Share Construction of downhill track to start on Twitter Share Construction of downhill track to start on Linkedin Email Construction of downhill track to start linkThe construction phase of the Downhill Track project will commence on Wednesday 7th March 2013.
The project will include the construction of the new sections of the Downhill Track , the commencement of upgrade works on the exisiting sections of the Downhill Track between Lovers Lane and the new sections of the Downhill Track and the facilitation of two community engagement and training workshops for community volunteers.
Weather permitting the works are scheduled to be completed by the end of March.
The Downhill Track will remain closed until the appropriate directional and responsible rider code of conduct signs are installed. These signs are currently in the process of being designed.
DirtArt , the successful contractor for the design and construction of the Knapsack Downhill Bike Project, will commence construction of the new sections of downhill track on Wednesday 7h March 2013.
Track Alignment - modifications
Share Track Alignment - modifications on Facebook Share Track Alignment - modifications on Twitter Share Track Alignment - modifications on Linkedin Email Track Alignment - modifications linkDuring the design phase, the final alignment and track design were modified from the preliminary alignment and design, based on the professional advice of DirtArt, in order to to increase the functionality and sustainability of the Downhill Track.
The main changes include:
- Reducing the number of switchbacks and stacked corners to develop a 'rolling contour' trail where the gradient loss occurs in a stepped fashion to improve trail flow, reducing braking and wear and tear on the track surface and to provide more of a downhill experience whilst reducing the area of vegetation clearing required for track construction;
- Increasing sustainability by locating steeper gradients in areas where bed rock and loose rock is available, to better utilise existing areas of natural armouring and facilitate improved armouring of track surfaces;
- Moving the final section of trail out of a moist drainage line area. The final section of the trail has been moved so the alignment no longer crosses the moist drainage line area and instead follows a drier rock-based alignment to avoid crossing this wetter area. This will also adjust the finish speed of riders to facilitate a safer merge onto the existing sealed path at the end.
The final alignment and the track design concept drawings are available for viewing on right (see Library).
The final alignment will substantially reduce the impact on the Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest based on the approved average track width of 1m. The final alignment will reduce the total area of Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest impacted by the construction of the new Downhill Track from 730.6m2 to 460m2. This represents a 37% reduction in the area of Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest EEC impacted by the construction of the new sections of Downhill Track.
A map showing the preliminary alignment and the final alignment within the mapped vegetative communities on site is available for viewing on right (see Library).
Review of Environmental Factors - addendum
Share Review of Environmental Factors - addendum on Facebook Share Review of Environmental Factors - addendum on Twitter Share Review of Environmental Factors - addendum on Linkedin Email Review of Environmental Factors - addendum linkAn Addendum to the original REF has been completed to address any potential changes in the environmental impacts arising from the final alignment and final approved designs. As the changes to the final alignment and track design features will increase the sustainability and functionality of the track, while substantially reducing the area of Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest EEC impacted, the changes have been assessed to be a modification of an approved activity, reducing the overall environmental impact of the activity i.e. ' a modification of an activity, whose environmental impact has already been considered, that will reduce its overall environmental impact’ . Therefore in accordance with Section 110E (a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act ) the activity is exempt from the requirement to conduct further environmental assessment and a new Review of Environmental Factors Report is not required.
The Addendum to the original REF is available for viewing on right (see Library).
A number of variations have been requested and granted by the Commonwealth in relation to the referral of the Downhill And Cross Country Track Proposal for assessment under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999)
1/ Permission to use small machinery on the proviso that it can be used within the construction envelop of 1m permitted for hand works without resulting in additional damage to trackside vegetation e.g. small tracked power carriers and mini excavators . These will be used predominately in the lower gradient areas where they can be safely used and the majority of the track construction will still be by completed by hand.
2/ Permission for the directional and responsible rider code of conduct signage to be installed prior to the opening of the Downhill Track rather than prior to the commencement of construction on the Downhill Track.
3/ Permission to vary the initial proposed alignment envelop by +/- 5-10 m in order to provide a more functional and sustainable alignment on the proviso that there was no increase in the amount of EEC , particularly Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest impacted by the changes in alignment
- Why was Knapsack Reserve chosen as the site for the proposed Cross Country and Downhill Bike Tracks?
- Why has a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposed Cross Country and Downhill Bike Tracks, Knapsack Reserve been undertaken?
- What is the scope of the REF?
- In the design of the track what construction standards/guidelines are proposed to be used?
Document Library
Downhill Track Final Alignment (155 KB) (pdf)
Downhill Track Design Concept overview (174 KB) (pdf)
Preliminary and Final Alignment of the Downhill Track and Vegetation Community (426 KB) (docx)
Addendum to the Review of Environmental Factors for the Proposed Cross Country and Downhill Tracks , Knapsack Reserve (439 KB) (docx)
Key Dates
05 March 2013