Construction of downhill track to start
The construction phase of the Downhill Track project will commence on Wednesday 7th March 2013.
The project will include the construction of the new sections of the Downhill Track , the commencement of upgrade works on the exisiting sections of the Downhill Track between Lovers Lane and the new sections of the Downhill Track and the facilitation of two community engagement and training workshops for community volunteers.
Weather permitting the works are scheduled to be completed by the end of March.
The Downhill Track will remain closed until the appropriate directional and responsible rider code of conduct signs are installed. These signs are currently in the process of being designed.
DirtArt , the successful contractor for the design and construction of the Knapsack Downhill Bike Project, will commence construction of the new sections of downhill track on Wednesday 7h March 2013.
Consultation has concluded