Review of Environmental Factors - addendum
An Addendum to the original REF has been completed to address any potential changes in the environmental impacts arising from the final alignment and final approved designs. As the changes to the final alignment and track design features will increase the sustainability and functionality of the track, while substantially reducing the area of Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest EEC impacted, the changes have been assessed to be a modification of an approved activity, reducing the overall environmental impact of the activity i.e. ' a modification of an activity, whose environmental impact has already been considered, that will reduce its overall environmental impact’ . Therefore in accordance with Section 110E (a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act ) the activity is exempt from the requirement to conduct further environmental assessment and a new Review of Environmental Factors Report is not required.
The Addendum to the original REF is available for viewing on right (see Library).
A number of variations have been requested and granted by the Commonwealth in relation to the referral of the Downhill And Cross Country Track Proposal for assessment under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999)
1/ Permission to use small machinery on the proviso that it can be used within the construction envelop of 1m permitted for hand works without resulting in additional damage to trackside vegetation e.g. small tracked power carriers and mini excavators . These will be used predominately in the lower gradient areas where they can be safely used and the majority of the track construction will still be by completed by hand.
2/ Permission for the directional and responsible rider code of conduct signage to be installed prior to the opening of the Downhill Track rather than prior to the commencement of construction on the Downhill Track.
3/ Permission to vary the initial proposed alignment envelop by +/- 5-10 m in order to provide a more functional and sustainable alignment on the proviso that there was no increase in the amount of EEC , particularly Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest impacted by the changes in alignment
Consultation has concluded
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