Kingsford Smith Memorial Park draft Plan of Management
This consultation has concluded.
Council Meeting for Adoption of PoM - Tuesday 4 June 2013
The Public Exhibition of the draft Plan of Management for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park (KSMP) has now concluded. A report on the Public Exhibtion of the KSMP draft Plan of Management (PoM) will be presented to the Council meeting of Tuesday 4 June 2013, with the recommendation that this Plan of Management (PoM) be formally adopted.
Further information on the Council meeting, including the Report on KSMP PoM, can be found in the News Section of this page. You are welcome to attend.
The KSMP draft PoM version for adoption can be viewed from the library on this page.
A Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was also prepared for KSMP, which help inform the direction on the Plan of Management. This CMP can also be viewed from the library.
Public Hearing
During the exhibition, a Public Hearing was undertaken on the evening of the 18 April 2013. This is a requirement under the Local Government Act. The report on the Public Hearing can be download from the library.
Council Meeting for Adoption of PoM - Tuesday 4 June 2013
The Public Exhibition of the draft Plan of Management for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park (KSMP) has now concluded. A report on the Public Exhibtion of the KSMP draft Plan of Management (PoM) will be presented to the Council meeting of Tuesday 4 June 2013, with the recommendation that this Plan of Management (PoM) be formally adopted.
Further information on the Council meeting, including the Report on KSMP PoM, can be found in the News Section of this page. You are welcome to attend.
The KSMP draft PoM version for adoption can be viewed from the library on this page.
A Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was also prepared for KSMP, which help inform the direction on the Plan of Management. This CMP can also be viewed from the library.
Public Hearing
During the exhibition, a Public Hearing was undertaken on the evening of the 18 April 2013. This is a requirement under the Local Government Act. The report on the Public Hearing can be download from the library.
Council Meeting
Share Council Meeting on Facebook Share Council Meeting on Twitter Share Council Meeting on Linkedin Email Council Meeting linkThis Council meeting is scheduled to commence at 7:30pm, in the Council Chambers, Civic Place, Katoomba, on Tuesday 4 June 2013. The meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend. If you wish to address the meeting, either for or against the adoption of the draft PoM, you are requested to be in attendance prior to 7:30pm to register your intention with Council Officers.
The business paper for the adoption of the KSMP draft PoM, will be available from Thursday 30 May at the Blaxland, Springwood and Katoomba Libraries (between 9:00am and 4:00pm) and Lawson, Wentworth Falls and Blackheath Libraries (between 9:00am and 12:00 noon). The Business Paper is also available on Council’s web site from 12am Wednesday 29 May, at The KSMP draft PoM version for adoption is available as an attachment to this report.
Conservation Management Plan
Share Conservation Management Plan on Facebook Share Conservation Management Plan on Twitter Share Conservation Management Plan on Linkedin Email Conservation Management Plan linkTo help guide the development of the draft Plan of Managment,a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was prepared for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park. This CMP provides direction for, (1) Items of heritage value, including the stonework and pathways, sound shell and 'log cabin' toilet block, and (2) The landscape of KSMP, including vegetation management, cool climate planting theme and the layout.
The CMP is a guiding document which provides a framework to inform the draft Plan of Management, including the policies and actions. The CMP, and its Appendices, can be downloaded from the 'library' on the right hand side of this web page.
PoM study area and background
Share PoM study area and background on Facebook Share PoM study area and background on Twitter Share PoM study area and background on Linkedin Email PoM study area and background linkBlue Mountains City Council has prepared a Draft Plan of Management (dPoM) for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park (KSMP), 17 Gang Gang Street, Katoomba. KSMP Composed of 2.14ha of cool climate gardens and open lawns in a deep amphitheatre setting, the main part of KSMP consists of Crown Reserve managed by Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) as Trust Managers (Crown Reserve 65643). Established in 1936, this park is valued for its
- Heritage Items
- Unique cool climate amphitheatre landscape
- Passive recreation
- Outdoor venue
The study area for KSMP includes the following parcels of land, and is depicted on the attached map in the library,
- Crown Reserve No. 65643, 17 Gang Gang Street Katoomba, Lot 7-13 DP 10800. Trust Name – Kingsford Smith Park, Trust Manager – BMCC. 1.213ha.
- Council Community Land. 19 Gang Gang Street Katoomba. Lot 11 DP 4824. 0.045ha
- William Street, Formed Road. 0.127ha
- Gang Gang Street, part of Road Reserve. 0.29ha
- Part of unformed Road Reserves of William St 0.3ha
This dPoM provides direction for the heritage, landscape and uses of this Pa
Further background on the Plan of Management
Share Further background on the Plan of Management on Facebook Share Further background on the Plan of Management on Twitter Share Further background on the Plan of Management on Linkedin Email Further background on the Plan of Management linkThe parkland forming KSMP was initially established in 1931 from land that once belonged to the Hudson family, this land also including the historical Wadi Shaifa house located on Lurline Street. Located in close proximity to the Katoomba town centre, KSMP was a once a popular venue for events, the historical Sound Shell being a well known feature of the park. Being situated in a naturally formed hollow, the unique landscape of the Park includes a network of stone pathways and cool climate gardens developed into an ampitheatre. The Park’s first name, in 1935, was Jubilee Park to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V. This was however changed in the following year to Kingsford Smith Memorial Park and Playground in honour of pioneer Austrailan aviator, Sir Charles Kingsford Smith (1897-1935). The heritage and landscape values are significant features of KSMP.
Some of the values considered important for KSMP include,
- Close proximity to Katoomba town centre
- History
- Unique amphitheatre landscape design
- Ornamental landscape plantings
- Heritage items including the Entry Pavillion, Sound Shell, Toilet Block and stone work.
- Venue function of the Sound Shell & amphitheatre
- Native bushland remnants
- Weed management for the Leura Creek catchment
- Lawn space
- Secluded setting
- Memorial to aviation pioneer, Kingsford Smith.
Community Liaison Group
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Council has formed a Community Liaison Group (CLG) to help guide the preparation of the PoM. The CLG is composed of representatives from a range of relevant stakeholders including user groups, organisation and residents. The CLG provided guidance and advice in the development of the draft PoM document. The CLG will assist with the review of the comments from the public exhibition, and should an issues arise, provide further advice for the draft PoM at the end of the exhibition period.
Community Liaison Group Contacts
Kingsford Smith Memorial Park - Plan of Management
Aunty Val Aurisch
(02)4782 4607
Steve Willcockson
Aboriginal and Residents
Jenny Hill
Bushcare - Leura Creek Sub Catchment
0408 268 879
Mark Jarvis
Katoomba Chamber of Commerce
Jan Cosgrove
Metropole Guesthouse/Tourism
(02)4782 2417
Aviad Panta
Metropole Guesthouse/Tourism
(02)4782 2417
Volker Schoeler
Musicians - Blue Mountains City Band
(02)4782 7246
Steve Maconachie
0414 348 274
Jed Walker
0410 101 397
Cr Robert Stock
0414 195 980
Further Background on the Plan of Management
Share Further Background on the Plan of Management on Facebook Share Further Background on the Plan of Management on Twitter Share Further Background on the Plan of Management on Linkedin Email Further Background on the Plan of Management linkThe parkland forming KSMP was initially established in 1931 from land that once belonged to the Hudson family, this land also including the historical Wadi Shaifa house located on Lurline Street. Located in close proximity to the Katoomba town centre, KSMP was a once a popular venue for events, the historical Sound Shell being a well known feature of the park. Being situated in a naturally formed hollow, the unique landscape of the Park includes a network of stone pathways and cool climate gardens developed into an ampitheatre. The Park’s first name, in 1935, was Jubilee Park to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V. This was however changed in the following year to Kingsford Smith Memorial Park and Playground in honour of pioneer Austrailan aviator, Sir Charles Kingsford Smith (1897-1935). The heritage and landscape values are significant features of KSMP.
Some of the values considered important for KSMP include,
- Close proximity to Katoomba town centre
- History
- Unique amphitheatre landscape design
- Ornamental landscape plantings
- Heritage items including the Entry Pavillion, Sound Shell, Toilet Block and stone work.
- Venue function of the Sound Shell & amphitheatre
- Native bushland remnants
- Weed management for the Leura Creek catchment
- Lawn space
- Secluded setting
- Memorial to aviation pioneer, Kingsford Smith.
PoM study area and background
Share PoM study area and background on Facebook Share PoM study area and background on Twitter Share PoM study area and background on Linkedin Email PoM study area and background linkBlue Mountains City Council has prepared a Draft Plan of Management (dPoM) for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park (KSMP), 17 Gang Gang Street, Katoomba. KSMP Composed of 2.14ha of cool climate gardens and open lawns in a deep amphitheatre setting, the main part of KSMP consists of Crown Reserve managed by Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) as Trust Managers (Crown Reserve 65643). Established in 1936, this park is valued for its
- Heritage Items
- Unique cool climate amphitheatre landscape
- Passive recreation
- Outdoor venue
The study area for KSMP includes the following parcels of land, and is depicted on the attached map in the library,
- Crown Reserve No. 65643, 17 Gang Gang Street Katoomba, Lot 7-13 DP 10800. Trust Name – Kingsford Smith Park, Trust Manager – BMCC. 1.213ha.
- Council Community Land. 19 Gang Gang Street Katoomba. Lot 11 DP 4824. 0.045ha
- William Street, Formed Road. 0.127ha
- Gang Gang Street, part of Road Reserve. 0.29ha
- Part of unformed Road Reserves of William St 0.3ha
This dPoM provides direction for the heritage, landscape and uses of this Park
Document Library
Kingsford Smith Memorial Park Plan of Management - for Adoption (4.83 MB) (pdf)
Conservation Management Plan for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park (3.31 MB) (pdf)
Conservation Management Plan Appendices 9.1 to 9.5, Maps - KSMP (7.78 MB) (pdf)
Public Hearing Report - Kingsford Smith Park Plan of Management (780 KB) (pdf)
Key Dates
17 April 2013
17 April 2013
30 April 2013