- Items of heritage value
- Landscape values
- Uses of the Park
- identify important features of the land;
- consider the visions and expectations of the community;
- clarify how Council will manage the land; and
- indicate how the land may be used or developed.
- Crown Reserve No. 65643, 17 Gang Gang Street Katoomba, Lot 7-13 DP 10800. Trust Name – Kingsford Smith Park, Trust Manager – BMCC. 1.213ha.
- Council Community Land. 19 Gang Gang Street Katoomba. Lot 11 DP 4824. 0.045ha
- William Street, Formed Road. 0.127ha
- Gang Gang Street, part of Road Reserve. 0.29ha
- Part of unformed Road Reserves of William St 0.3ha
- Close proximity to Katoomba town centre
- History
- Unique amphitheatre landscape design
- Ornamental landscape plantings
- Heritage items including the Entry Pavillion, Sound Shell, Toilet Block and stone work.
- Venue function of the Sound Shell & amphitheatre
- Native bushland remnants
- Weed management for the Leura Creek catchment
- Lawn space
- Secluded setting
- Memorial to aviation pioneer, Kingsford Smith.
How can I comment on the draft Plan of Management?
By online submission or alternatively, written comments marked ‘Submission: Kingsford Smith Memorial Park Draft Plan of Management – File F02101’, can be submitted by:
• Post: The General Manager, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
• Deliver: Katoomba or Springwood Council offices
• E-mail: council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
What is the Plan of Management for?
This Plan of Management (PoM) is being undertaken as a result from a motion passed from the Council meeting of 7 June 2011. The reasons for this PoM being developed include providing direction on,
A Conservation Management Plan has been prepared for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park to help provide direction for the draft PoM on the items of heritage value within the Park. This includes structures such as the Sound Shell and the Toilet Block, the Stonework and pathway system, and the landscape. The Conservation Management Plan may be viewed from the library section in this web page.
Some of the key functions of a Plan of Management include,
What is the study area for this draft Plan of Management?
The study area for KSMP includes the following parcels of land,
The study area is depicted on the map within the library section of this page.
What are some of the main values for Kingsford Smith Memorial Park?
Some of the values considered important for KSMP include,
Who can I contact within Council for further information?
For further information please contact:
Nathan Summers
Recreation Development Officer
Ph: (02)4780 5573
Email: Nathan Summers
Post: Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780