Further Background on the Plan of Management
The parkland forming KSMP was initially established in 1931 from land that once belonged to the Hudson family, this land also including the historical Wadi Shaifa house located on Lurline Street. Located in close proximity to the Katoomba town centre, KSMP was a once a popular venue for events, the historical Sound Shell being a well known feature of the park. Being situated in a naturally formed hollow, the unique landscape of the Park includes a network of stone pathways and cool climate gardens developed into an ampitheatre. The Park’s first name, in 1935, was Jubilee Park to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V. This was however changed in the following year to Kingsford Smith Memorial Park and Playground in honour of pioneer Austrailan aviator, Sir Charles Kingsford Smith (1897-1935). The heritage and landscape values are significant features of KSMP.
Some of the values considered important for KSMP include,
- Close proximity to Katoomba town centre
- History
- Unique amphitheatre landscape design
- Ornamental landscape plantings
- Heritage items including the Entry Pavillion, Sound Shell, Toilet Block and stone work.
- Venue function of the Sound Shell & amphitheatre
- Native bushland remnants
- Weed management for the Leura Creek catchment
- Lawn space
- Secluded setting
- Memorial to aviation pioneer, Kingsford Smith.
This consultation has concluded.