Old Katoomba Library
Consultation has concluded.
Conversion of former Katoomba Library to Katoomba Community Hall
Recent interest from the performing arts community has prompted a review of the existing design for the conversion of the former Katoomba Library to a Community Hall, particularly, the internal fit out and finishes. You are invited and encouraged to view the preliminary designs and to have your say on the future use of the Katoomba Civic Centre.
Conversion of former Katoomba Library to Katoomba Community Hall
Recent interest from the performing arts community has prompted a review of the existing design for the conversion of the former Katoomba Library to a Community Hall, particularly, the internal fit out and finishes. You are invited and encouraged to view the preliminary designs and to have your say on the future use of the Katoomba Civic Centre.
Public Comments available to view
Share Public Comments available to view on Facebook Share Public Comments available to view on Twitter Share Public Comments available to view on Linkedin Email Public Comments available to view linkKey Comments & Questions raised at the Public Meeting on 14 November 2012 and the Open House on 19 November 2012 are now available in the Library (to the right of this webpage). In addition to a variety of comments, an alternative concept plan, kindly provided by an interested resident, is also included in this document.
You are invited and encouraged to view this document and to have your say on the preliminary design for the former Katoomba Library by Sunday 25 November 2012.
Please make a comment in the guestbook below.
Thank you for your input and contributions so far.
Helen Halpin, Admin Officer, Built Assets, BMCC
When can I see the final design for the Katoomba Community Hall?
Share When can I see the final design for the Katoomba Community Hall? on Facebook Share When can I see the final design for the Katoomba Community Hall? on Twitter Share When can I see the final design for the Katoomba Community Hall? on Linkedin Email When can I see the final design for the Katoomba Community Hall? linkThe final revised design will be available for viewing on Blue Mountains Have Your Say (this website), Council’s website www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au and the new Katoomba Library from Friday 7 December 2012.
Design Approach for the new Katoomba Community Hall
Share Design Approach for the new Katoomba Community Hall on Facebook Share Design Approach for the new Katoomba Community Hall on Twitter Share Design Approach for the new Katoomba Community Hall on Linkedin Email Design Approach for the new Katoomba Community Hall linkThe concept design associated with the proposed multipurpose hall at the Katoomba Civic Centre – formerly Katoomba Library – was based on the following design principles. A more detailed outline of the design approach is provided in the Library on the right hand side of this webpage.
- Multi-Functional & Multi-User Approach
- Back of House Facilities
- Acoustic Treatment
- Heating
- Audio Visual and Lighting
- Operable Walls
- Servery
- Amenities
- Finishes and Materials -
Have Your Say
Share Have Your Say on Facebook Share Have Your Say on Twitter Share Have Your Say on Linkedin Email Have Your Say linkTo commence the community consultation, a Public Meeting was be held on Wednesday 14 November 2012 at the Council Chambers to present the preliminary design for the conversion of the former Katoomba Library to a multi-purpose hall and to inform interested persons of the scope of the project.
The preliminary designs will be available to view between 9am, Thursday 15 November and midnight Sunday 25 November 2012 from:
- Katoomba, Blaxland and Springwood Libraries;
- Katoomba and Springwood Council offices;
- On-line at Blue Mountains Have Your Say www.bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/oldkatoombalibrary
Comments on the preliminary designs are invited and encouraged by:
- In person at the public meeting
- On-line at Blue Mountains Have Your Say www.bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/oldkatoombalibrary
- Email: council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
- Post: Attn. Strategic Asset Officer, Built Assets, BMCC, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
Comments must be received by midnight Sunday 25 November 2012.
Click here to play video Katoomba Theatre concept design Basic concept model by David Hollywood in response to council's draft plan. Model is not intended to show details such as lighting bars, doors or finishes. It is intended to provide an alternative to the recent proposal and to give an overview of the space. The venue would seat 145 in this format but with added chairs or tables for events such as seminars or cabaret could seat up to 200
Key Dates
13 November 2012
14 November → 24 November 2012
06 December 2012