Have Your Say
To commence the community consultation, a Public Meeting was be held on Wednesday 14 November 2012 at the Council Chambers to present the preliminary design for the conversion of the former Katoomba Library to a multi-purpose hall and to inform interested persons of the scope of the project.
The preliminary designs will be available to view between 9am, Thursday 15 November and midnight Sunday 25 November 2012 from:
- Katoomba, Blaxland and Springwood Libraries;
- Katoomba and Springwood Council offices;
- On-line at Blue Mountains Have Your Say www.bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/oldkatoombalibrary
Comments on the preliminary designs are invited and encouraged by:
- In person at the public meeting
- On-line at Blue Mountains Have Your Say www.bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/oldkatoombalibrary
- Email: council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
- Post: Attn. Strategic Asset Officer, Built Assets, BMCC, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
Comments must be received by midnight Sunday 25 November 2012.
Consultation has concluded.