Buttenshaw Park upgrade

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Buttenshaw Park Youth Park now open!

We are pleased to announce that the new youth focussed play space at Buttenshaw Park, Springwood, is now open.

The design of the new youth-focused space, shaped by community consultation, maximises the challenging sloping topography of the park and provides children and young adults with an exciting, high-energy space and a selection of adventure equipment, including:

• a double flying fox and group swing

• a unique, customised youth focused climbing and hang out structure,

• a climbing/bouldering wall, and

• a ping-pong table

The upgrades also include new seating, shelters, water bubbler, bike racks, sympathetic landscaping and a new footpath which links the play space with the wider park.

As we have communicated previously, to ensure the majority of the upgrade work could be delivered on time and within budget, the pump track that was initially part of the design plans was not able to be constructed as part of this project.

We will continue to investigate grant opportunities to deliver this component at a later time.

This project is funded under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, which is part of the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD). The WSCD is a 20 year-agreement between Australian and NSW governments, and the eight local Councils of the Western Parkland City.

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Buttenshaw Park Youth Park now open!

We are pleased to announce that the new youth focussed play space at Buttenshaw Park, Springwood, is now open.

The design of the new youth-focused space, shaped by community consultation, maximises the challenging sloping topography of the park and provides children and young adults with an exciting, high-energy space and a selection of adventure equipment, including:

• a double flying fox and group swing

• a unique, customised youth focused climbing and hang out structure,

• a climbing/bouldering wall, and

• a ping-pong table

The upgrades also include new seating, shelters, water bubbler, bike racks, sympathetic landscaping and a new footpath which links the play space with the wider park.

As we have communicated previously, to ensure the majority of the upgrade work could be delivered on time and within budget, the pump track that was initially part of the design plans was not able to be constructed as part of this project.

We will continue to investigate grant opportunities to deliver this component at a later time.

This project is funded under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, which is part of the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD). The WSCD is a 20 year-agreement between Australian and NSW governments, and the eight local Councils of the Western Parkland City.

Stay informed - to keep up to date on what is happening, click ‘Subscribe’ in the Stay informed box.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We want to hear your feedback on the planned NEW youth space with pump track currently funded by the Western Parkland City Liveability Program and scheduled to be built in 2022. See the artist’s impressions

    We also want your final feedback on the draft Buttenshaw Park Plan of Management and Masterplan. These plans need to be endorsed by the Council before the play space can be built. They are due to go to the October 2021 Council Meeting.

    So don’t miss the chance to let us know your thoughts on the current (and future) plans for this District Park.

    Survey closes Tuesday, 28 September 2021.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This form allows you to make a submission on the final design for the Buttenshaw Park Youthspace.

    In developing the design for this playspace, Council have considered:

    • the community input received, seeking to accommodate a broad range of the community, particularly youth,
    • the advice and experience of the playspace designer,
    • the aim of high levels of inclusivity,
    • the slope of the land, and
    • the budget available. 

     We are now seeking comment prior to construction.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This concept design  for the Inclusive Youth Adventure Play Space is based on feedback we have received from the community earlier this year. The results from this survey will help to guide the final design so it's important to let us know what you think.  We will come back to you with the final design.

    Please review the concept design here before completing the survey.

    The projects have been funded under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, which is part of the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD).  The WSCD is a 20 year-agreement between Australian and NSW governments, and the eight local Councils of the Western Parkland City.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This preliminary Masterplan is based on the feedback we have received from the community earlier this year. The results from this survey will help to develop the Masterplan further so it's important to let us know what you think.  We will come back to you with the final draft that will go on public exhibition later in the year.

    Please review the preliminary Masterplan before completing the survey.

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  • CLOSED: Registrations are now closed.

    Please complete this form if you are a stakeholder that has received an invitation to take part in our online community forum for Buttenshaw Park.
    Once you've registered, we will send you an email with the information you need to log-in and take part.

    Stakeholder community forum 6 to 6:45pm, Thursday 30 July 

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  • CLOSED: This survey is now closed.

    If you or someone you visit the park with has additional needs, please complete this survey.

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  • CLOSED: This survey is now closed.

    If you or someone you visit the park with has additional needs, please complete the additional needs survey. There's lots of fun to be had in designing a play space, be sure to click on the funbobulator after you do the survey, to check out the types of play equipment we could include.

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  • CLOSED: Registrations are now closed.

    Please complete this form to register to attend the online dance party, celebrating the plans for revitalising Buttenshaw Park.

    Make sure you:

    Dance party rules

    By registering, you agree that:

    • you are aged 18 or under OR you are a parent/guardian of child who is under 18.
    • if you’re under 18, you have gained permission from your parents/guardians to attend this free online event.
    • you will abide by social media engagement rules and help us to create an inclusive, respectful and age appropriate and family friendly event.
    • you understand that you will be removed for inappropriate chat, messages, and behaviour, which includes actions that are not inclusive or respectful. 
    • you will not record or reproduce this event in any way
    • you understand that Council can turn the event off before the scheduled finishing time (9.30pm) if necessary.
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Page last updated: 06 Apr 2023, 01:21 PM