Arts And Cultural Activities

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation has concluded. Thank you for your interest and your comments.

The public exhibition of Council's Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy has been extended until Monday 22 October 2012 so there is even more time to let us know what you think about it.

A wide range of arts and cultural activities take place in the Blue Mountains. The Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy will guide Council's approach in a number of areas including those that relate to public art proposals.

This will benefit both Council and the community who participate in public art either actively or passively.

The draft policy will be exhibited between Friday 29 June and Monday 22 October 2012.

Your thoughts and ideas on the Draft Policy is welcome and encouraged. View and download the policy and related documents from the Library and have your say by leaving a comment in the Guestbook or by making a formal Submission.

This consultation has concluded. Thank you for your interest and your comments.

The public exhibition of Council's Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy has been extended until Monday 22 October 2012 so there is even more time to let us know what you think about it.

A wide range of arts and cultural activities take place in the Blue Mountains. The Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy will guide Council's approach in a number of areas including those that relate to public art proposals.

This will benefit both Council and the community who participate in public art either actively or passively.

The draft policy will be exhibited between Friday 29 June and Monday 22 October 2012.

Your thoughts and ideas on the Draft Policy is welcome and encouraged. View and download the policy and related documents from the Library and have your say by leaving a comment in the Guestbook or by making a formal Submission.

Consultation has concluded
  • Why has Council developed an Arts and Cultural Activities Policy?

    Share Why has Council developed an Arts and Cultural Activities Policy? on Facebook Share Why has Council developed an Arts and Cultural Activities Policy? on Twitter Share Why has Council developed an Arts and Cultural Activities Policy? on Linkedin Email Why has Council developed an Arts and Cultural Activities Policy? link

    This Policy has been developed to respond to the cultural needs of the community as identified in Council’s Cultural Strategy and replaces the Public Art Policy 2001 and the Acceptance of Gifts of Art to the City Policy 2010. The main aim is to capture the broad areas of arts and cultural activity across the City whilst providing ideas for:

    • Developing an integrated approach to public art planning.
    • Creating opportunities for employment and training for artists in our community to enable them to develop and work in a creative environment.
    • Interpreting the City’s heritage and identity through the arts.
    • Fostering a sense of identity and pride in public spaces within the City.
    • Increasing enjoyment and understanding of public art and the benefits it brings to our community.
    • Enabling the collection of public art to be professionally managed and conserved.
    • Strengthening Council’s Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 goal by addressing environmental sustainability in the development and delivery of public art projects.
  • What is the approach in the Policy?

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    After an introductory section, the Policy is divided up into twelve main areas and they are all very different so please take a look. When making a submission or leaving a comment on the guestbook please provide information on some or all of the areas.

    City of the Arts Trust
    Creative Industries
    Cultural Events
    Cultural Grants Program
    Cultural Heritage
    Hard Cultural Infrastructure
    International Partnerships
    Public Art
    Soft Cultural Infrastructure
    Targeted Arts and Culture Programs

  • How can I contribute to the Draft policy?

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    You can provide detailed comments on any aspect of the Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy in the Guestbook as well as making a formal Submission. Your comments are encouraged as they both provide important ideas and views that can assist with informing the way that Council does business in arts and culture, and the final Policy document.

    Please note that comments made in the Guestbook are anonymous and as such cannot be considered as a formal Submission on the Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy. However, a summary of all comments received will be provided to Councillors along with formal Submissions. These will be considered when finalising the Arts and Cultural Activities Policy.

    When you make a submission you must provide your details. You can copy and paste your Guestbook comments into your Submission for convenience.


    Thank you for your interest and contribution.

  • What is not covered in the Policy?

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    General activities relating to libraries and cultural heritage are not included in the scope of the Draft policy as they are covered in separate Council policies.

    Also, it is important to note that the Draft Policy does not cover sporting activities.