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Consultation has concluded
This consultation has concluded. Thank you for your interest and your comments.
The public exhibition of Council's Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy has been extended until Monday 22 October 2012 so there is even more time to let us know what you think about it.
A wide range of arts and cultural activities take place in the Blue Mountains. The Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy will guide Council's approach in a number of areas including those that relate to public art proposals.
This will benefit both Council and the community who participate in public art either actively or passively.
The draft policy will be exhibited between Friday 29 June and Monday 22 October 2012.
Your thoughts and ideas on the Draft Policy is welcome and encouraged. View and download the policy and related documents from the Library and have your say by leaving a comment in the Guestbook or by making a formal Submission.
This consultation has concluded. Thank you for your interest and your comments.
The public exhibition of Council's Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy has been extended until Monday 22 October 2012 so there is even more time to let us know what you think about it.
A wide range of arts and cultural activities take place in the Blue Mountains. The Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy will guide Council's approach in a number of areas including those that relate to public art proposals.
This will benefit both Council and the community who participate in public art either actively or passively.
The draft policy will be exhibited between Friday 29 June and Monday 22 October 2012.
Your thoughts and ideas on the Draft Policy is welcome and encouraged. View and download the policy and related documents from the Library and have your say by leaving a comment in the Guestbook or by making a formal Submission.
Council is keen to hear your thoughts and ideas on the Draft Arts and Cultural Activities Policy. You are encouraged to view the Draft Policy in the Library before you comment in the Guestbook.
Thankyou for your comment, your contribution is appreciated.
Consultation has concluded
You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved
I endorse the draft policy for the arts and Cultural Activities in the Blue Mountains. It is great to have a vision statement for the upcoming years for the 'City of the Arts.'
I believe that the Blue Mountains has a huge amount of artworkers across all disciplines and that this potential for generating financial and social capital needs to be further developed. I believe that there is a big potential for more collaboration between the council, artworkers (and artworker organisation) and tourism. We are close enough to Sydney and possess a goldmine of artistic talent here to potentially accelerate cultural tourism. I believe these possibilities need more consideration and nurturing. I would like to see the council elevate the importance of the arts in its own tiers of governance. I believe that the arts should be on the same tier as planning, etc in the importance and the governmental structure of the blue mountains.
I like that the draft policy endorses sustainability. I would like to see the council take the lead in forming a much greater dialogue between artsworkers and the local tourism sector. There is a real growth area here that could use more leardership. There really are financial benefits to be gained by supporting dialogue here. Again the relegation of the arts to a minor place in council governance means there that financial and social riches are being sidelined. I would like to see not only an elevation of the arts in council governance, but thought put into the way the council may be able to put more resources into the arts admin area by funding more than the one single position of cultural development coordinator. There are great financial and social benefits that can come out of more investment. Even investing in workers to bring in grant money to the region is something that would easily profit the council and the area.
I am grateful to council for the investment in the Katoomba Library makeover to turn it into a small performing arts space. Congrats. This is a welcome, positive decision.
My area is in Literature and Theatre and I can see that there is potential for more council involvement in this particular sphere. The Katoomba Library makeover is a positive change here. But it would be good for council to think about how to more fully support the literary producers and theatre talent that resides in the Blue Mountains. This is an area that could generate financial and social wealth to the area. I also see that the way of promoting the incredible abundance of visual artists in the Blue Mountain is something that needs reinvigorating. Though the areas of literature and theatre are the ones that are of concern to me and naturally I would like to see more support in these areas from the council.
It is a positive step to see the council promoting discussion of this draft arts and cultural activities policy and another good step in recognising that the arts in the Blue Mountains should be further supported. The arts in the 'city of the arts' needs more support by council as it is an undertapped goldmine of social and financial wealth.
over 12 years ago
Have you considered weekly story-telling in an outdoor public space, say in Katoomba? There are many creative and gifted story-tellers in the mountains who have much to contribute, coupled with a younger population who are getting too much exposure to commercial junk. Computer books & dvds are also no substitute for the 'real thing' and unfortunately, becoming the norm . On another similar note is the lack of live (non-commercial) theatre for the very young child in the Mountains. The Wiggles, and other commercial ventures are incredibly over represented and starving this generation of children of the magic of rich stories...I would love to be able to take my children to watch plays at least every school holidays. It would also provide jobs for the many out of work actors that reside in the Mountains. I hope these ideas provide some inspiration, thanks for reading. Rebecca.
over 12 years ago
In the draft policy I read that the council is considering using "... empty shops and under-used spaces..." for artist residencies. Is it also possible to use the facilities of the new Cultural Centre for Artist's residencies on a permanent ongoing basis. Examples include Marrickville Council's AIR and Hill end AIR at Bathurst. Regards, Peter Toy
over 12 years ago
The draft Arts and Cultural activities policy, is a welcome document to read. It is exactly what is needed in The Blue Mountains in particular cultural industrie, localised business and employment opportunities are desperately needed. I believe we need to grow arts in the mountains as there is such a vast array of practitioners in the mountains. To be known as a city of arts and to be promoted as a culturally rich destination policy would be of great benefit to the area.
I endorse the draft policy for the arts and Cultural Activities in the Blue Mountains.
It is great to have a vision statement for the upcoming years for the 'City of the Arts.'
I believe that the Blue Mountains has a huge amount of artworkers across all disciplines and that this potential for generating financial and social capital needs to be further developed.
I believe that there is a big potential for more collaboration between the council, artworkers (and artworker organisation) and tourism.
We are close enough to Sydney and possess a goldmine of artistic talent here to potentially accelerate cultural tourism. I believe these possibilities need more consideration and nurturing.
I would like to see the council elevate the importance of the arts in its own tiers of governance. I believe that the arts should be on the same tier as planning, etc in the importance and the governmental structure of the blue mountains.
I like that the draft policy endorses sustainability.
I would like to see the council take the lead in forming a much greater dialogue between artsworkers and the local tourism sector. There is a real growth area here that could use more leardership. There really are financial benefits to be gained by supporting dialogue here. Again the relegation of the arts to a minor place in council governance means there that financial and social riches are being sidelined.
I would like to see not only an elevation of the arts in council governance, but thought put into the way the council may be able to put more resources into the arts admin area by funding more than the one single position of cultural development coordinator. There are great financial and social benefits that can come out of more investment. Even investing in workers to bring in grant money to the region is something that would easily profit the council and the area.
I am grateful to council for the investment in the Katoomba Library makeover to turn it into a small performing arts space. Congrats. This is a welcome, positive decision.
My area is in Literature and Theatre and I can see that there is potential for more council involvement in this particular sphere. The Katoomba Library makeover is a positive change here. But it would be good for council to think about how to more fully support the literary producers and theatre talent that resides in the Blue Mountains. This is an area that could generate financial and social wealth to the area. I also see that the way of promoting the incredible abundance of visual artists in the Blue Mountain is something that needs reinvigorating. Though the areas of literature and theatre are the ones that are of concern to me and naturally I would like to see more support in these areas from the council.
It is a positive step to see the council promoting discussion of this draft arts and cultural activities policy and another good step in recognising that the arts in the Blue Mountains should be further supported. The arts in the 'city of the arts' needs more support by council as it is an undertapped goldmine of social and financial wealth.
Have you considered weekly story-telling in an outdoor public space, say in Katoomba? There are many creative and gifted story-tellers in the mountains who have much to contribute, coupled with a younger population who are getting too much exposure to commercial junk. Computer books & dvds are also no substitute for the 'real thing' and unfortunately, becoming the norm . On another similar note is the lack of live (non-commercial) theatre for the very young child in the Mountains. The Wiggles, and other commercial ventures are incredibly over represented and starving this generation of children of the magic of rich stories...I would love to be able to take my children to watch plays at least every school holidays. It would also provide jobs for the many out of work actors that reside in the Mountains. I hope these ideas provide some inspiration, thanks for reading.
In the draft policy I read that the council is considering using "... empty shops and under-used spaces..." for artist residencies. Is it also possible to use the facilities of the new Cultural Centre for Artist's residencies on a permanent ongoing basis. Examples include Marrickville Council's AIR and Hill end AIR at Bathurst.
Peter Toy
The draft Arts and Cultural activities policy, is a welcome document to read. It is exactly what is needed in The Blue Mountains in particular cultural industrie, localised business and employment opportunities are desperately needed.
I believe we need to grow arts in the mountains as there is such a vast array of practitioners in the mountains. To be known as a city of arts and to be promoted as a culturally rich destination policy would be of great benefit to the area.