Street Tree Planting

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation has concluded. Thank you for your interest adn your comments.

Planning is underway to replant streets and parks in the Blackheath area which were impacted by the windstorm event of July 2011. Council has identified a number of street and park trees that need replacing as shown on the map below.

Council intends to plant replacement trees commencing in Autumn/Winter 2012 and may continue in Autumn/Winter 2013.


Do you have any comments on the proposed replanting sites? Do you have suggestions of other streets and parks in Blackheath which need trees planted after the windstorm?

Have your say in our guest book or send us a your ideas in a submission.

This consultation has concluded. Thank you for your interest adn your comments.

Planning is underway to replant streets and parks in the Blackheath area which were impacted by the windstorm event of July 2011. Council has identified a number of street and park trees that need replacing as shown on the map below.

Council intends to plant replacement trees commencing in Autumn/Winter 2012 and may continue in Autumn/Winter 2013.


Do you have any comments on the proposed replanting sites? Do you have suggestions of other streets and parks in Blackheath which need trees planted after the windstorm?

Have your say in our guest book or send us a your ideas in a submission.

Guest Book

We'd like to hear your thoughts on the Street Tree Planting proposal and would appreciate your comments. 

Consultation has concluded
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Great idea and should be extended across the whole of the Blue Mountains. One just has to look at the innercity suburbs that once had no trees and barren streets that are now lined with trees which has beautified the suburbs and attracted a large bird life that was once non existing.
Not only should native trees be planted but deciduous trees especially in our parks, along our streets, parking areas and Highway as these trees create lots of shade on hot summers days, beautiful display of colour during autumn, allows the sunlit to filter in during the cold winter days and heaps of mulch for the garden.
Species and size should a major consideration and suitable for the area concerned. All will benefit form such a Street Tree Planting proposal.

John and Gwen Stalling

Hillbar almost 12 years ago

I would like to have my say about the destruction of 17 acres of trees in the Hat Hill Rd Heritage Airstrip. How can council plan to destroy this valuable community environment without any community consultation, and at the same time wish to discuss street tree planting?

rowen over 12 years ago

I'd like to see fruit and nut trees included in the public landsacpe alongside native bush tucker trees, combined with a local education programme on the use of edible landscapes (e.g. leaflets at libraries, downloads on the Council website, maybe walking workshops by local groups such as Permaculture Blue Mountains, etc.)

Melanie over 12 years ago

Thanks Simon for the share in Google docs - really quick to upload. I cant see anywhere what type of trees the council plane on planting in these places, did I miss it? it woudl be great to see some edible species being planted so that the tree does more than 1 thing in the landscape, nut trees, native species. Please don't plant anymore pines!

whynot over 12 years ago

Hello Again from the McKenzies forgot to mention the Grafitti in the Gardens Shelter Shed we sat there for Morning Tea and were horrified to see Grafitti the Gardens are well looked after so why has not they Gardening Staff seen the Grafitti and organised to have it removed
T McKenzie

waratahgirl almost 13 years ago

Hello Blue Mountains, While travelling around Australia we have been in the Blue Mountains We stayed in Blackheath and were saddened to see the shabby state the town has become since our previous visit. WEEDS around the Pot Planters in the Shopping area and they are growing Mould also, and last years leaves still in the gutters in the Main Street. Also a horrible Green Building on the Great Western Highway, are these old Buildings not Heritage listed ???
It is sad to see the neglect, some nice Grasses planted on the Eastern side of the Highway opposite the Shops would look good. What about a Community effort to clean the town up
Best Wishes
Tom and Elaine McKenzie

waratahgirl almost 13 years ago

Thanks for the opportunity to comment: I'm really pleased to know that re-planting is being planned by Council for the public gardens of Blackheath. Of particular interest to me is the re-planting of trees on the highway outside The Gardens, on either side of the war memorial. I would like to suggest that instead of the pines that were there, something like an English or the smaller American Oak be put back in their place. Oaks have an elegant, substantial shape, great autumn colour, are non-limb-dropping and more fire-retardant than eucalypts. And I think there is already a mature American oak in The Gardens (behind that tallest pine). Also, it's important to select a deciduous tree because we need the sunlight in the park in winter (those pines cast a lot of shade all year round).
All the best for the replanting! Let me know if I can be involved.

Kerry Kirk about 13 years ago

it's a beautiful & useful poster, but it's 11MB & took an age to download on my slow speed account - how about posting a PDF - I've stored a version in Google Docs at

simon2010 about 13 years ago