How will the project be staged?
The upgrade of the Springwood Civic Centre site will be staged in three parts.
Stage One includes refurbishment of the theatre and the construction of the Link building and Galleria.
Stage Two includes the Childhood Learning Centre.
Stage Three includes the refurbishment of the Springwood Library.
How will the project impact on the demand for car parking and vehicular access?
Under the proposed development, vehicular access to Springwood Civic Centre (for all vehicle movements i.e. cars, deliveries and pick up/set down activities) will remain much the same as the existing situation. The access road, east of the Library, off Macquarie Road will be limited to one way traffic with the entrance being from Macquarie Road.
Central access to the site at Macquarie Road will be closed in order to provide better road safety and improve public space. The existing access to the site via Raymond and David Roads will continue to provide public and vehicular access.
The improvements to the existing community and cultural facilities in the Civic Centre precinct will result in a possible increase in public use by an estimated 50%. As a result, some 50 additional vehicular movements could be generated. Additional vehicular movements and the demand for car parking will mostly occur outside peak hours, for example show times, when ample parking is available in the vicinity of the site and within walking distance.
The Traffic and Parking Report commissioned by Council as part of the masterplanning process, suggests that the estimated 50% increase in public use could result in a parking demand of 40 additional spaces. The report also indicates that the existing car parking area generally experiences a vacancy of 20-40 car parking spaces. The current proposal provides an allocation of 121 car parking spaces. A further car parking study will be undertaken as part of the Development Application process.
What is the approximate timeline for the project?
Oct-Nov 2011: Draft Masterplan Report on public exhibition for community comment
Dec 2011: Masterplan report finalised for adoption by Council
Early 2012: Schematic design commenced
Mid 2012: Development Application prepared and submitted
Early 2013: Tender for Construction let
Mid 2013: Commencement of construction on site
June 2014: Completion of construction (Stage One of full project depends upon further funding).
How will the project impact on Braemar House?
The Heritage Advice Report commissioned by Council as part of the masterplanning process, recommends that historic Braemar House should remain separate from the larger public space in order to retain its historical identity. The report also recommends that a barrier is provided to the western edge of the front garden of Braemar House and that the trees in front of Braemar House should be removed to allow views of the House from the street. Further, the report recommends that there should be a gap or recess between the rear wall of Braemar House and the new building.