Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management
Consultation has concluded.

Glenbrook is a gateway town to the Blue Mountains, it is a busy, thriving village with Glenbrook Park at it's centre. Council has developed a Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park including a Master Plan. The Draft is currently on exhibition awaiting your feedback.
The Plan of Management and Master Plan process is driven by the desire to ensure that Glenbrook Park is of a District Park standard. The Draft Plan of management has been informed by the first round of community consultation.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to the 1st February, 2017 - 5pm.
See below for how you can input.
Glenbrook is a gateway town to the Blue Mountains, it is a busy, thriving village with Glenbrook Park at it's centre. Council has developed a Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park including a Master Plan. The Draft is currently on exhibition awaiting your feedback.
The Plan of Management and Master Plan process is driven by the desire to ensure that Glenbrook Park is of a District Park standard. The Draft Plan of management has been informed by the first round of community consultation.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to the 1st February, 2017 - 5pm.
See below for how you can input.
Glenbrook Playground - Under Construction from 30 October!
Share Glenbrook Playground - Under Construction from 30 October! on Facebook Share Glenbrook Playground - Under Construction from 30 October! on Twitter Share Glenbrook Playground - Under Construction from 30 October! on Linkedin Email Glenbrook Playground - Under Construction from 30 October! link
Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park - Deferred to May meeting
Share Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park - Deferred to May meeting on Facebook Share Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park - Deferred to May meeting on Twitter Share Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park - Deferred to May meeting on Linkedin Email Draft Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park - Deferred to May meeting linkBlue Mountains City Council's approval of the Plan of Management for Glenbrook Park was deferred at the last Council meeting on Tuesday 28 March.
A motion was moved by Councillors Greenhill and Christie 'that the Council defers Item 19 Glenbrook Park Plan of Management and Master Plan for adoption, to allow the Council to be briefed on:
• The need for a bund or wall of earth around the oval;
• The likelihood of a flood and the reasons for mitigation;
• The impact on trees; and
• Any impact on the size of the oval.
The draft Plan of Management has been amended to strengthen the protection of the trees and to alter the approach to flood mitigation.
The amended report and documents is now available on the Council website, this website and for inspection in hard copy for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices. See the documents to the right to view the document.
The revised Glenbrook Park Plan of Management will be presented to the Council Meeting of 2 May.
The Council meeting is scheduled to commence at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, Civic Place, Katoomba. It is open to the public and you are welcome to attend.
You are also welcome to address the Council on the report as long as you register to speak. The Registration Form for Addressing Council is attached for your information. This form also contains a ‘Guide to Addressing Council’. You can register to speak by:
• registering the form between 6:45pm to 7:20pm at the speakers registration desk on the night of the council meeting. Or,
• pre-send form by email by 4pm on the day of the meeting to
Should you have any queries please contact Elizabeth Dudley-Bestow by email: or from Mon 24 April 2017 on (02) 4780 5000.
Report now available from the Public Hearing ‐ Held 19 December 2016
Share Report now available from the Public Hearing ‐ Held 19 December 2016 on Facebook Share Report now available from the Public Hearing ‐ Held 19 December 2016 on Twitter Share Report now available from the Public Hearing ‐ Held 19 December 2016 on Linkedin Email Report now available from the Public Hearing ‐ Held 19 December 2016 linkUnder section 35 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act), public land classified ascommunity land is required to be used and managed in accordance with a Plan of Management.An important function of Plans of Management is to designate the category of that communityland. The designated category is a key overall identifier of future use and management of thatcommunity land.Blue Mountains City Council (Council) is in the processing of preparing a Plan of Management(PoM) for the area of community land known as Glenbrook Park. The Park is located on theGreat Western Highway and comprises five parcels of land and totals some 3.89ha (Figure 1).Only one of these parcels falls under the direct ownership of Council (the School of Arts site isLot 1 in DP 665140 and is some 1745m2 in area). The rest of Glenbrook Park is Crown Land butCouncil is responsible for its management as Trustee.Where a draft PoM would have the effect of categorising or altering the category of communityland, it is a requirement of section 40A(1) of the LG Act that a public hearing be held in respectof the proposed PoM. Section 47G(2) of the LG Act provides that for public hearings of thiskindThe person presiding at a public hearing must not be:a) a councillor or employee of the council holding the public hearing, orb) a person who has been a councillor or employee of that council at any timeduring the 5 years before the date of his or her appointment.In accordance with the above provisions Peter Walsh FPIA PhD was appointed to preside over the hearing into the draft PoM for Glenbrook Park, and prepare a report on this hearing for Council’s consideration. The hearing was held on the evening of Monday 19 December 2016 at Glenbrook School of Arts, and around 30 members of the public attended, with twelve making formal submissions to thehearing. This document is intended to comprise the hearing report.The report is available for download to the right.
Glenbrook Masterplan and Plan of Management - Deadline Extended
Share Glenbrook Masterplan and Plan of Management - Deadline Extended on Facebook Share Glenbrook Masterplan and Plan of Management - Deadline Extended on Twitter Share Glenbrook Masterplan and Plan of Management - Deadline Extended on Linkedin Email Glenbrook Masterplan and Plan of Management - Deadline Extended link
Glenbrook Masterplan now on Public Exhibition
Share Glenbrook Masterplan now on Public Exhibition on Facebook Share Glenbrook Masterplan now on Public Exhibition on Twitter Share Glenbrook Masterplan now on Public Exhibition on Linkedin Email Glenbrook Masterplan now on Public Exhibition linkThe Glenbrook Masterplan is now on Public Exhibition. You can view the documents in the document library located on the right side of this page.
To make your comments about the Glenbrook Masterplan please use the submission form by clicking here.
Glenbrook Park Community Consultation: Summary of Results
Share Glenbrook Park Community Consultation: Summary of Results on Facebook Share Glenbrook Park Community Consultation: Summary of Results on Twitter Share Glenbrook Park Community Consultation: Summary of Results on Linkedin Email Glenbrook Park Community Consultation: Summary of Results linkINTRODUCTION
This document summarises the input received from the Community on Glenbrook Park in the lead up to the preparation of a Plan of Management and Master Plan.
How will the input be used?
Many of the comments and feedback received have been constructive and will help to drive the future of the park. Not all suggestions can be incorporated into the plans, because they were either unsuitable to the Glenbrook Park area or not within Council’s budget for these projects.
A large proportion of the suggestions will be incorporated into the draft documents, which will go up on public exhibition in early 2017 for the community to review prior to them being adopted.
How was the input received?
- Blue Mountains Have Your Say
- Stakeholder meetings
- On-site consultation
The most highly valued aspects of Glenbrook Park were:
- The ambience of the park - open space, relaxed feel, trees, and associated wildlife
- Its central location, suitability for meeting people, proximity to shops and cafes and the contribution to the village feel of Glenbrook
- The range of activities/facilities available including play equipment, theatre, tennis, BBQs and the CWA building
- The Information centre and the Gateway to the mountains function of the Park, and the associated value to the local businesses
- The events that are held there, and their contribution to the sense of community and the vibrancy of the area
The main reasons people visit Glenbrook Park are:
- Because it is close and handy and can be included in a visit to the other facilities in Glenbrook – with coffee shops being particularly mentioned
- Because it has the size and facilities meet up with family and friends, with birthday parties and the BBQs often mentioned
- Because it has the range of activities to get children out playing and exercising
- To attend events that are on
- To visit the theatre and the associated hall
- It is considered suitable to walk the dog
The main things visitors do in Glenbrook Park are:
- Meet friends and family
- look after children
- be children
- Picnic, and/or consume food and coffee purchased at the shops
- Sit, relax, birdwatch
- Use the play equipment, use the oval, use the bike paths
- Visit the theatre and associated hall,
- Attend events
What else to provide in Glenbrook Park?
A proportion of people asserted that nothing else is needed in Glenbrook Park and no change is required. Other suggestions are shown below.
- Provision of shade - particularly mentioned for the play equipment
- Play equipment
· More for Toddlers
· More for primary age children
· More for older children and youth
· More for wheels; bike/scooter etc
· Water play, sand pit, climbing wall
· Fencing / Less bark
· Improve line of site between two play areas- Natural areas, succession planting of the trees, additional shrubs and interpretation and/or educational signs
- Flood mitigation
- Strengthen links between park and shops; between play area and oval
- Strengthen links from the Tourism area through to the town centre
- Accessibility throughout
- Exercise facilities
- More for tourists
- Seating/more picnic/ larger picnic /flower beds.
- Fully fenced off leash area
- Coffee shop
- History of town displayed
- Parking for theatre between theatre and Ross Street
- Seal verge for long term parking along Green Street
- Facilities that support events: power outlets, stage, gnome garden
- Giant gnome
What not to provide in Glenbrook Park?
A number of people were concerned that the park could change in character if certain facilities were provided. The following is a list of suggestions from the community of what not to provide:
- Skate boarding, cycling, netball, anything that would involve replacing grass with asphalt
- Organised sport, NRL, Golf , archery , horse-riding etc
- Things that would attract youth
- Professional exercise operators that use amplified voice or music
- Facilities for dogs
- Any type of commercial activity/coffee shop
- Anything that increases the number of tourists
- Increase in number of community events
- Additional Parking within the park (although between the theatre and Ross Street or along Green Street generally considered acceptable)
- Giant gnome
Maintenance suggestions
A range of opinions were expressed on the current levels of maintenance from “extremely well managed” to “shameful”. Some suggested changes from the community to maintenance include:
- Succession planting
- Higher standards of maintenance – particularly soft fall and garden beds
- Later opening hours of the toilets
- Encouragement to dog owners to pick up
- Empty bins more often or provide more/ provide recycling bins.
- Use of Grey Water to water oval
This summary can be downloaded from the document library located on the right hand side of this page. -
Community Conversations - Tell us what you think
Share Community Conversations - Tell us what you think on Facebook Share Community Conversations - Tell us what you think on Twitter Share Community Conversations - Tell us what you think on Linkedin Email Community Conversations - Tell us what you think linkThere will be two meetings, held at Glenbrook Park, with the opportunity for community members to share their values, ideas and suggestions.
- Saturday 12 March 10am – 2pm at the shelters and
- Wednesday 16 March 4pm – 7pm in the hall, inside the theatre
The information collected will be used to inform the draft documents, which will then go on public exhibition.
Further information: Elizabeth Dudley-Bestow on 4780 5000 or
Glenbrook Park Values Survey
Share Glenbrook Park Values Survey on Facebook Share Glenbrook Park Values Survey on Twitter Share Glenbrook Park Values Survey on Linkedin Email Glenbrook Park Values Survey linkTake this survey and let us know what you think is important about Glenbrook Park.
The information gathered will be used to help guide the planning and preparation of the Glenbrook Park Plan of Management.
Survey closes 18 March 2016.
Project Aims and Objectives
Share Project Aims and Objectives on Facebook Share Project Aims and Objectives on Twitter Share Project Aims and Objectives on Linkedin Email Project Aims and Objectives linkThe Plan of Management (POM) and the Master Plan will aim to provide guidance for the future development and management of Glenbrook Park, with a focus on protecting the existing values of Glenbrook Park while accommodating upgrades and flood mitigation works.
Study Area: is bounded by the Great Western Highway to the north; Green Street to the east; Park Street to the south, and Ross Street to the west.Consultation: The Master Plan / POM will be prepared in consultation with local and district communities, stakeholder groups and relevant government agencies. This consultation process will be developed as a key part of informing the design decisions in the draft Master Plan.
Document Library
Key Dates
19 December 2016
26 November 2016
30 November 2016
Life Cycle
Park Values Survey Open
Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management has finished this stageThis Park Values Survey has now closed.
Draft Plan developed
Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management has finished this stageInformation received from the first round of consultation have been reviewed and considered. The values are incorporated into the Draft Documents.
Council report to adopt draft documents for exhibition
Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management has finished this stageWent to the October 2016 Council meeting.
Council report was available for viewing on Council website the week before the Council meeting.
Public Exhibition Phase
Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management has finished this stageSubmissions - Deadline Extended to 1 February 2017 - 5pm
Major community consultation phase including on site meetings, stakeholder meetings, copies in libraries, and on-line opportunities for comment.
Review of feedback received during exhibition phase
Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management has finished this stageDuring February 2017
Council report to adopt amended Plan of Management and Master Plan for use
Glenbrook Park: Plan of Management is currently at this stageThe revised Glenbrook Park Plan of Management will be presented to the Council Meeting of 2 May 2017.
April 2017
Council report will be avaialble on the Council website the week before the Council meeting; community members can speak with their Councillors prior to the meeting or seek to address the Council meeting.
Key Dates
19 December 2016
26 November 2016
30 November 2016