Glenbrook Park Community Consultation: Summary of Results
This document summarises the input received from the Community on Glenbrook Park in the lead up to the preparation of a Plan of Management and Master Plan.
How will the input be used?
Many of the comments and feedback received have been constructive and will help to drive the future of the park. Not all suggestions can be incorporated into the plans, because they were either unsuitable to the Glenbrook Park area or not within Council’s budget for these projects.
A large proportion of the suggestions will be incorporated into the draft documents, which will go up on public exhibition in early 2017 for the community to review prior to them being adopted.
How was the input received?
- Blue Mountains Have Your Say
- Stakeholder meetings
- On-site consultation
The most highly valued aspects of Glenbrook Park were:
- The ambience of the park - open space, relaxed feel, trees, and associated wildlife
- Its central location, suitability for meeting people, proximity to shops and cafes and the contribution to the village feel of Glenbrook
- The range of activities/facilities available including play equipment, theatre, tennis, BBQs and the CWA building
- The Information centre and the Gateway to the mountains function of the Park, and the associated value to the local businesses
- The events that are held there, and their contribution to the sense of community and the vibrancy of the area
The main reasons people visit Glenbrook Park are:
- Because it is close and handy and can be included in a visit to the other facilities in Glenbrook – with coffee shops being particularly mentioned
- Because it has the size and facilities meet up with family and friends, with birthday parties and the BBQs often mentioned
- Because it has the range of activities to get children out playing and exercising
- To attend events that are on
- To visit the theatre and the associated hall
- It is considered suitable to walk the dog
The main things visitors do in Glenbrook Park are:
- Meet friends and family
- look after children
- be children
- Picnic, and/or consume food and coffee purchased at the shops
- Sit, relax, birdwatch
- Use the play equipment, use the oval, use the bike paths
- Visit the theatre and associated hall,
- Attend events
What else to provide in Glenbrook Park?
A proportion of people asserted that nothing else is needed in Glenbrook Park and no change is required. Other suggestions are shown below.
- Provision of shade - particularly mentioned for the play equipment
- Play equipment
· More for Toddlers
· More for primary age children
· More for older children and youth
· More for wheels; bike/scooter etc
· Water play, sand pit, climbing wall
· Fencing / Less bark
· Improve line of site between two play areas
- Natural areas, succession planting of the trees, additional shrubs and interpretation and/or educational signs
- Flood mitigation
- Strengthen links between park and shops; between play area and oval
- Strengthen links from the Tourism area through to the town centre
- Accessibility throughout
- Exercise facilities
- More for tourists
- Seating/more picnic/ larger picnic /flower beds.
- Fully fenced off leash area
- Coffee shop
- History of town displayed
- Parking for theatre between theatre and Ross Street
- Seal verge for long term parking along Green Street
- Facilities that support events: power outlets, stage, gnome garden
- Giant gnome
What not to provide in Glenbrook Park?
A number of people were concerned that the park could change in character if certain facilities were provided. The following is a list of suggestions from the community of what not to provide:
- Skate boarding, cycling, netball, anything that would involve replacing grass with asphalt
- Organised sport, NRL, Golf , archery , horse-riding etc
- Things that would attract youth
- Professional exercise operators that use amplified voice or music
- Facilities for dogs
- Any type of commercial activity/coffee shop
- Anything that increases the number of tourists
- Increase in number of community events
- Additional Parking within the park (although between the theatre and Ross Street or along Green Street generally considered acceptable)
- Giant gnome
Maintenance suggestions
A range of opinions were expressed on the current levels of maintenance from “extremely well managed” to “shameful”. Some suggested changes from the community to maintenance include:
- Succession planting
- Higher standards of maintenance – particularly soft fall and garden beds
- Later opening hours of the toilets
- Encouragement to dog owners to pick up
- Empty bins more often or provide more/ provide recycling bins.
- Use of Grey Water to water oval
Consultation has concluded.