Draft LEP 2013
The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.
While the public exhibition has concluded for DLEP 2013, the review of submissions received during public exhibition is now underway
Submissions Received
All submissions are displayed for public viewing on this website in the 'Document Library' . To find your submission, locate your submission number in the 'List of Submissions' and then look for the corresponding number grouping in the headings below (the submissions have been placed in groups of 10). Submissions that requested the name and address of the submitter to be withheld have been marked and duly edited to withhold such information.
Submissions Reviewed
All submissions received are in the process of being reviewed by Council planning staff. Due to the large number of submissions received this review will take some months.
Issues raised in individual submissions will start to go before Council meetings from June 2014, and may result in proposed amendments to DLEP 2013 and these will be recommended to the Council in Council Reports. Each submitter will be contacted in writing prior to the date of the Council meeting relevant to their submission.
Please refer to the News section (scroll down this page) of this site for updates in relation to when matters arising from submissions will be considered by the Council.
Blue Mountains City Council has prepared a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) known as DLEP 2013 which will replace Councils existing LEP 2005, LEP 1991 and LEP 4.
This draft plan has been prepared in response to the State Government's requirement for all NSW Councils to conform to the Standard Instrument (LEP plans) Order 2006 (also known as the 'Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan').
The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.
Council issued an Acknowledgement Notice to all submitters, either by mail or email after the end of public exhibition.
Please note that following the exhibition, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure have advised that the draft LEP may be changed to satisfy legal drafting requirements and amendments to local model clauses.
While the public exhibition has concluded for DLEP 2013, the review of submissions received during public exhibition is now underway
Submissions Received
All submissions are displayed for public viewing on this website in the 'Document Library' . To find your submission, locate your submission number in the 'List of Submissions' and then look for the corresponding number grouping in the headings below (the submissions have been placed in groups of 10). Submissions that requested the name and address of the submitter to be withheld have been marked and duly edited to withhold such information.
Submissions Reviewed
All submissions received are in the process of being reviewed by Council planning staff. Due to the large number of submissions received this review will take some months.
Issues raised in individual submissions will start to go before Council meetings from June 2014, and may result in proposed amendments to DLEP 2013 and these will be recommended to the Council in Council Reports. Each submitter will be contacted in writing prior to the date of the Council meeting relevant to their submission.
Please refer to the News section (scroll down this page) of this site for updates in relation to when matters arising from submissions will be considered by the Council.
Blue Mountains City Council has prepared a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) known as DLEP 2013 which will replace Councils existing LEP 2005, LEP 1991 and LEP 4.
This draft plan has been prepared in response to the State Government's requirement for all NSW Councils to conform to the Standard Instrument (LEP plans) Order 2006 (also known as the 'Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan').
The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.
Council issued an Acknowledgement Notice to all submitters, either by mail or email after the end of public exhibition.
Please note that following the exhibition, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure have advised that the draft LEP may be changed to satisfy legal drafting requirements and amendments to local model clauses.
How to find your property in the maps that are enclosures to the 11 November 2014 Council Report
Share How to find your property in the maps that are enclosures to the 11 November 2014 Council Report on Facebook Share How to find your property in the maps that are enclosures to the 11 November 2014 Council Report on Twitter Share How to find your property in the maps that are enclosures to the 11 November 2014 Council Report on Linkedin Email How to find your property in the maps that are enclosures to the 11 November 2014 Council Report linkBackground Maps have been broken into six tiles (or sheets) at 1:80,000 (tile No. 001 to 006) which are divided further into 1:40,000 and 1:20,000 scale tiles (e.g. 005B, 005C etc) and then further again into 1: 10,000 scale tiles.
There are 41 maps to cover the Blue Mountains Local Government Area with up to 18 different ‘themes’, such as Land Zoning and Heritage.
Why can't I use the interactive mapping tool? For Public Exhibtion there were three way to looks at the maps, including the Interactive Mapping tool, as explained in detail in Fact Sheet 9. For the 11 November 2014 Council Report the maps are only available as PDFs by theme. This is because these are post exhibtion maps and do not have the standing of the public exhibition version, which have statutory weight for various matters, like s149 certificates.
How to look at my property? In order to look at the map enclosures to see changes that may apply to your property the following steps are to be followed for two options:
Option 1 Work out the map tile for your property
1. Determine which first level tile number covers your property (i.e. 001 to 006) using Enclosure 6.1.
2. Determine if a second level tile number covers your property (e.g. 005B, 005C 005D, 005E etc)
3. Determine if a third level tile number covers your property (e.g. 005BA) (As an example, the shops at Lawson are located within the 1: 80,000 tile of 005 and then within a second level tile of 1:20,000 of 005B and then further again into third level tile of 1:10,000 of 005BA.)
4. Once you have determined the tile numbers that cover your property (e.g. Lawson shops area is covered in tiles 005BA) these numbers will be the same for the property on all map sheets.
5. Using these tile numbers, select the map sheets you are interested in. Map Sheets cover a range of issues including: land zoning, heritage and floor space ratio
Option 2: Word Search in a particular map theme
You can also open a theme you are interested in directly, say zoning (Enclosure 6.3 to the Council meeting) and search for the name of the village your property is located in and visually scan to see if you can find it that way.
As an example, if you open the Land Zoning maps and search for the village of Yellow Rock, the first selection is of the broader map and does not provide you the zonings. Hit the next button again (so the second time Yellow Rock can be found in these maps) and you can see all the zonings for the village and surrounding area. You should be able to find your own property that way.
The word search can also be used on street names, although it is recommended you need to be zoomed into to around 200% before doing such a search in order to see what is picked up by the search. There can also be problems if the road name is more than one word (a search for Hat Hill does not give a result but a search for Hat does) and even if a street name is one word, if it is popular it can take a while to find your area (for instance Station is a popular street name and has multiple appearances in various maps). Also, on some maps smaller streets may not be titled and so a search would not be successful.
My property is so small on those maps. The PDF maps can be zoomed into with no loss of resolution and is the required way that maps are both provided to the Department of Planning and eventually uploaded to their website when the plan is made.
Please know that when DLEP 2013 is made the interactive mapping tool will be updated with the maps at that time.
Enclosures to 11 November 2014 Council Report
Share Enclosures to 11 November 2014 Council Report on Facebook Share Enclosures to 11 November 2014 Council Report on Twitter Share Enclosures to 11 November 2014 Council Report on Linkedin Email Enclosures to 11 November 2014 Council Report linkThere are a large number of enclosures associated with the 11 November 2014 Council Report on the finalisation of the DLEP 2013 review process (Item 12).
The method for uploading enclosures to a Councl report is such that detailed descriptions in the title are not possible. The full title for each of the enclosures is as shown below:
Enclosure 1 is Resolutions for a Change or Action
Enclosure 2 is Additional Miscellaneous Matters to DLEP 2013
Enclosure 3 is Deferred Sites
Enclosure 4 is Comments on Background Studies
Enclosure 5 is DLEP 2013 Written Instrument
Enclosure 6 is Maps, with the 18 different themes uploaded individually as follows:
6.1 is the Index Map
6.2 is the Land Application Map
6.3 is the Land Zoning Map
6.4 is the Lot Size Map
6.5 is the Height of Buildings Map
6.6 is the Floor Space Ratio Map
6.7 is the Land Reservation Acquisition Map
6.8 is the Heritage Map
6.9 is the Lot Averaging Map
6.10 is the Riparian Land and Watercourses Map
6.11 is the Flood Planning Map
6.12 is the Scenic and Landscape Values Map
6.13 is the Mineral Resources Area Map
6.14 is the Built Character Map
6.15 is the Active Street Frontages Map
6.16 is the Natural Resources - Biodiversity Map
6.17 is the Natural Resources - Land Map
6.18 is the Key Sites Map
Enclosure 7 is Land Use Matrix
Enclosure 8 is Planning Proposal
Enclosure 9 is Explanation of Optional Clauses and Model Provisions
Enclosure 10 is Analysis of Consistency with applicable SEPPs
Enclosure 11 is analysis of Consistency with applicable s117 Ministerial Directions
Enclosure 12 is Detailed analysis of certain land to be rezoned
Enclousre 13 is Summary of Studies
Enclousre 14 is Submissions from Public Agencies
Report on Finalisation of review process for DLEP 2013 to 11 November 2014 Council Meeting
Share Report on Finalisation of review process for DLEP 2013 to 11 November 2014 Council Meeting on Facebook Share Report on Finalisation of review process for DLEP 2013 to 11 November 2014 Council Meeting on Twitter Share Report on Finalisation of review process for DLEP 2013 to 11 November 2014 Council Meeting on Linkedin Email Report on Finalisation of review process for DLEP 2013 to 11 November 2014 Council Meeting linkItem 12 of the 11 Novemer 2014 Business Paper is a report on the finalisation of the review process for DLEP 2013.
The purpose of this Report is to present an amended Planning Proposal including draft Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan 2013, known as DLEP 2013, which comprises the written instrument and statutory maps. DLEP 2103 has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act), the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 and ‘A Guide to preparing local environmental plans’, Department of Planning and Infrastructure (2013).
The next stage is for Council to forward a copy of the revised planning proposal and relevant supporting information to the Department requesting that a draft LEP is prepared.
A copy of the report (in the Business Paper) and all associated enclosures can be found here Further information on the enclosures can be found in a later new item.
Seventh Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held Thursday 23 October 2014
Share Seventh Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held Thursday 23 October 2014 on Facebook Share Seventh Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held Thursday 23 October 2014 on Twitter Share Seventh Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held Thursday 23 October 2014 on Linkedin Email Seventh Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held Thursday 23 October 2014 linkThe seventhExtraordinary Council meeting to consider submissions will be held Thursday 23 October 2014 commencing at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba.
This Extraordinary Council meeting will consider matters arising from submissions dealing with miscellanous matters as well as those matters deferred for consideration until the end of the review process. Please note, sites deferred to the end of the submission review process will be looked at, not those sites which have been deferred from DLEP 2013 itself.
All members of the public are invited to attend this meeting.
The Business Paper for this Extraordianry Council meeting has been available since Friday 17 October 2014.
Please note: a submitter did not need to be the owner of a property in order to make a submission on a particular property. A list of properties that are being considered at the 23 October 2014 Extraordinary Council meeting is available in the Library section on this site.If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site here
Sixth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 9 October 2014- Springwood to Lapstone
Share Sixth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 9 October 2014- Springwood to Lapstone on Facebook Share Sixth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 9 October 2014- Springwood to Lapstone on Twitter Share Sixth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 9 October 2014- Springwood to Lapstone on Linkedin Email Sixth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 9 October 2014- Springwood to Lapstone linkThe fifth Extraordinary Council meeting to consider submissions will be held Thursday 9 October 2014 commencing at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba.
This Extraordinary Council meeting will consider matters arising from submissions dealing with site specific matters for properties from Springwood to Lapstone. All members of the public are invited to attend this meeting.
Future Extraordinary Council meetings will address miscellaneous matters arising from the review process.
The Business Paper for this meeting is now available for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices from Friday 3 October 2014.
The Business Paper for this meeting is now available for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices from Friday afternoon 3 October 2014 and also available on the Council Website here (External link).
Please note: a submitter did not need to be the owner of a property in order to make a submission on a particular property. A list of properties that are being considered at the 9 Octiber 2014 Extraordinary Council meeting is available in the Library section on this site.If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site here
Fifth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 25 September 2014- Bullaburra to Faulconbridge
Share Fifth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 25 September 2014- Bullaburra to Faulconbridge on Facebook Share Fifth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 25 September 2014- Bullaburra to Faulconbridge on Twitter Share Fifth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 25 September 2014- Bullaburra to Faulconbridge on Linkedin Email Fifth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 25 September 2014- Bullaburra to Faulconbridge link
The fifth Extraordinary Council meeting to consider submissions will be held Thursday 25 September 2014 commencing at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba.This Extraordinary Council meeting will consider matters arising from submissions dealing with site specific matters for properties from Bullaburra to Faulconbridge. All members of the public are invited to attend this meeting.
Future Extraordinary Council meetings will address site specific and mapping matters for properties from Springwood to Lapstone and these will be notified accordingly.
The Business Paper for this meeting is now available for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices from Friday 19 September 2014.
The Business Paper for this meeting is now available for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices from Friday afternoon 19 September 2014 and also available on the Council Website here(External link).
Please note: a submitter did not need to be the owner of a property in order to make a submission on a particular property. A list of properties that are being considered at the 19 September 2014 Extraordinary Council meeting is available in the Library section on this site.If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site here
Fourth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 4 September 2014 - Katoomba to Wentworth Falls
Share Fourth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 4 September 2014 - Katoomba to Wentworth Falls on Facebook Share Fourth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 4 September 2014 - Katoomba to Wentworth Falls on Twitter Share Fourth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 4 September 2014 - Katoomba to Wentworth Falls on Linkedin Email Fourth Extraordinary Council Meeting on 4 September 2014 - Katoomba to Wentworth Falls linkThe fourth Extraordinary Council meeting to consider submissions will be held Thursday 4 September 2014 commencing at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba.
This Extraordinary Council meeting will consider matters arising from submissions dealing with site specific matters for properties from Katoomba to Wentworth Falls. All members of the public are invited to attend this meeting.Future Extraordinary Council meetings will address site specific and mapping matters for properties from Bullaburra and these will be notified accordingly.
The Business Paper for this meeting is now available for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices from Friday afternoon 8 August 2014 and also available on the Council Website here.
Please note: a submitter did not need to be the owner of a property in order to make a submission on a particular property. A list of properties that are being considered at the 14 August 2014 Extraordinary Council meeting is available in the Library section on this site.If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site here
Legend for Maps within 14 August Business Paper
Share Legend for Maps within 14 August Business Paper on Facebook Share Legend for Maps within 14 August Business Paper on Twitter Share Legend for Maps within 14 August Business Paper on Linkedin Email Legend for Maps within 14 August Business Paper linkA legend for the maps that are used in the consideration of site specific matters was meant to be shown as Attachment 1 in the report. This attachment was not correctly made however.
The legend can now be found in the Library section opposite.
Third Extraordinary Council Meeting on 14 August 2014 - Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath
Share Third Extraordinary Council Meeting on 14 August 2014 - Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath on Facebook Share Third Extraordinary Council Meeting on 14 August 2014 - Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath on Twitter Share Third Extraordinary Council Meeting on 14 August 2014 - Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath on Linkedin Email Third Extraordinary Council Meeting on 14 August 2014 - Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath linkThe third Extraordinary Council meeting to c onsider submissions will be held Thursday 14 August 2014 commencing at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba.
This Extraordinary Council meeting will consider matters arising from submissions dealing with site specific matters for properties from Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath only. All members of the public are invited to attend this meeting.
This is a change from the notice that appeared in the Blue Mountains Gazette of 6 August 2014 which advised the meeting would address site specific matters to Wentworth Falls.
Future Extraordinary Council meetings will address site specific and mapping matters for properties from Katoomba and these will be notified accordingly.
Again, the 14 August 2014 Extraordinary Council meeting is for site specific matters for Mount Irvine to Medlow Bath only.
The Business Paper for this meeting is now available for inspection at Council's Libraries and Offices from Friday afternoon 8
August 2014 and also available on the Council Website here.Please note: a submitter did not need to be the owner of a property in order to make a submission on a particular property. A list of properties that are being considered at the 14 August 2014 Extraordinary Council meeting is available in the Library section on this site.
If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site here
Second Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 17 July 2014
Share Second Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 17 July 2014 on Facebook Share Second Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 17 July 2014 on Twitter Share Second Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 17 July 2014 on Linkedin Email Second Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 17 July 2014 linkThe second in the series of Extraordinary Council Meetings on Blue Mountains Draft Local Environmental Plan (DLEP) 2013 is to be held this coming Thursday 17 July2014. This Extraordinary Council Meeting provides the Council with an opportunity to formally consider matters arising from the Public Exhibition of DLEP 2013.
Matters to be considered at this meeting are those relating to:
*Part 4 (Principal Development Standards);
* Part 5 (Miscellaneous Provisions);
* Part 6 (Additional Local Provisions).
The meeting will start at 7pm and be held in the Katoomba Council Chambers.
TheBusinessPaper for the Extraordinary Council Meeting is available at www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/yourcouncil/councilmeetings(External link) or printed copies can be obtained from Council offices and libraries.
If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site at www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/yourcouncil/councilmeetings(External link).
Click here to play video Blue Mountains Draft LEP 2013 Information Session: Environment & Heritage
Click here to play video Blue Mountains Draft LEP 2013 Information Session: Residential Issues
Click here to play video Message from the Mayor Message from the Mayor of the Blue Mountains on the Draft Local Environmental Plan 2013.
Document Library
Information Sessions
10 December 2013
11 December 2013
16 December 2013
18 December 2013