Enclosures to 11 November 2014 Council Report
There are a large number of enclosures associated with the 11 November 2014 Council Report on the finalisation of the DLEP 2013 review process (Item 12).
The method for uploading enclosures to a Councl report is such that detailed descriptions in the title are not possible. The full title for each of the enclosures is as shown below:
Enclosure 1 is Resolutions for a Change or Action
Enclosure 2 is Additional Miscellaneous Matters to DLEP 2013
Enclosure 3 is Deferred Sites
Enclosure 4 is Comments on Background Studies
Enclosure 5 is DLEP 2013 Written Instrument
Enclosure 6 is Maps, with the 18 different themes uploaded individually as follows:
6.1 is the Index Map
6.2 is the Land Application Map
6.3 is the Land Zoning Map
6.4 is the Lot Size Map
6.5 is the Height of Buildings Map
6.6 is the Floor Space Ratio Map
6.7 is the Land Reservation Acquisition Map
6.8 is the Heritage Map
6.9 is the Lot Averaging Map
6.10 is the Riparian Land and Watercourses Map
6.11 is the Flood Planning Map
6.12 is the Scenic and Landscape Values Map
6.13 is the Mineral Resources Area Map
6.14 is the Built Character Map
6.15 is the Active Street Frontages Map
6.16 is the Natural Resources - Biodiversity Map
6.17 is the Natural Resources - Land Map
6.18 is the Key Sites Map
Enclosure 7 is Land Use Matrix
Enclosure 8 is Planning Proposal
Enclosure 9 is Explanation of Optional Clauses and Model Provisions
Enclosure 10 is Analysis of Consistency with applicable SEPPs
Enclosure 11 is analysis of Consistency with applicable s117 Ministerial Directions
Enclosure 12 is Detailed analysis of certain land to be rezoned
Enclousre 13 is Summary of Studies
Enclousre 14 is Submissions from Public Agencies
The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.