Draft LEP 2013

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The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.

While the public exhibition has concluded for DLEP 2013, the review of submissions received during public exhibition is now underway


Submissions Received

All submissions are displayed for public viewing on this website in the 'Document Library' . To find your submission, locate your submission number in the 'List of Submissions' and then look for the corresponding number grouping in the headings below (the submissions have been placed in groups of 10). Submissions that requested the name and address of the submitter to be withheld have been marked and duly edited to withhold such information.


Submissions Reviewed

All submissions received are in the process of being reviewed by Council planning staff. Due to the large number of submissions received this review will take some months.

Issues raised in individual submissions will start to go before Council meetings from June 2014, and may result in proposed amendments to DLEP 2013 and these will be recommended to the Council in Council Reports. Each submitter will be contacted in writing prior to the date of the Council meeting relevant to their submission.

Please refer to the News section (scroll down this page) of this site for updates in relation to when matters arising from submissions will be considered by the Council.



Blue Mountains City Council has prepared a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) known as DLEP 2013 which will replace Councils existing LEP 2005, LEP 1991 and LEP 4.

This draft plan has been prepared in response to the State Government's requirement for all NSW Councils to conform to the Standard Instrument (LEP plans) Order 2006 (also known as the 'Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan').

The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.

Council issued an Acknowledgement Notice to all submitters, either by mail or email after the end of public exhibition.

Please note that following the exhibition, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure have advised that the draft LEP may be changed to satisfy legal drafting requirements and amendments to local model clauses.

While the public exhibition has concluded for DLEP 2013, the review of submissions received during public exhibition is now underway


Submissions Received

All submissions are displayed for public viewing on this website in the 'Document Library' . To find your submission, locate your submission number in the 'List of Submissions' and then look for the corresponding number grouping in the headings below (the submissions have been placed in groups of 10). Submissions that requested the name and address of the submitter to be withheld have been marked and duly edited to withhold such information.


Submissions Reviewed

All submissions received are in the process of being reviewed by Council planning staff. Due to the large number of submissions received this review will take some months.

Issues raised in individual submissions will start to go before Council meetings from June 2014, and may result in proposed amendments to DLEP 2013 and these will be recommended to the Council in Council Reports. Each submitter will be contacted in writing prior to the date of the Council meeting relevant to their submission.

Please refer to the News section (scroll down this page) of this site for updates in relation to when matters arising from submissions will be considered by the Council.



Blue Mountains City Council has prepared a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) known as DLEP 2013 which will replace Councils existing LEP 2005, LEP 1991 and LEP 4.

This draft plan has been prepared in response to the State Government's requirement for all NSW Councils to conform to the Standard Instrument (LEP plans) Order 2006 (also known as the 'Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan').

The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.

Council issued an Acknowledgement Notice to all submitters, either by mail or email after the end of public exhibition.

Please note that following the exhibition, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure have advised that the draft LEP may be changed to satisfy legal drafting requirements and amendments to local model clauses.

The DLEP was on public exhibition from 4 December 2013 to 5 March 2014 and has now concluded.
  • First Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 19 June 2014

    Share First Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 19 June 2014 on Facebook Share First Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 19 June 2014 on Twitter Share First Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 19 June 2014 on Linkedin Email First Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 19 June 2014 link

    The first of a series of Extraordinary Council Meetings on Blue Mountains Draft Local Environmental Plan (DLEP) 2013 is to be held this coming Thursday 19 June 2014. This Extraordinary Council Meeting provides the Council with an opportunity to formally consider matters arising from the Public Exhibition of DLEP 2013. 

    Matters to be considered at this meeting are those relating to:

        * Part 1 (Preliminary);

        * Part 2 (Permitted or Prohibited Development);

        * Part 3 (Exempt and Complying Development);

        * Part 7 (Locality Management within the Villages);

        * Schedules (Additional Permitted Uses, Classification of Public Land, Environmental Heritage and Significant Vegetation); and

       *  Dictionary

    The meeting will start at 7pm and be held in the Katoomba Council Chambers.

    The  BusinessPaper for the Extraordinary Council Meeting is available at www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/yourcouncil/councilmeetings or printed copies can be obtained from Council offices and libraries.

    If you wish to address the meeting, you are requested to register your intention with the Council officers from 6.30 to 6.55pm in the Council Chambers, refer to the Council’s Guide to Public Speaking which can be downloaded from Council’s web site at www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/yourcouncil/councilmeetings.




  • Council Report to 27 May 2014 Council Meeting

    Share Council Report to 27 May 2014 Council Meeting on Facebook Share Council Report to 27 May 2014 Council Meeting on Twitter Share Council Report to 27 May 2014 Council Meeting on Linkedin Email Council Report to 27 May 2014 Council Meeting link

    A Council report on Draft Local Environmental Plan 2013 (DLEP 2013) Public Exhibition and Review Process is Item 14 at the Council meeting of 27 May 2014. This report advises Council of the following:

    • The status of the review of submissions process
    • A preliminary overview of key issues emerging from the exhibition
    • Outlines the proposed process to review and finalise DLEP 2013
    • Proposes an amended date for the submission of a revised Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and the Environment
    • Provides details of the communications to be undertaken in order to review and finalise DLEP 2013.

  • Drop In Session for Megalong Valley and The Mounts Communities

    Share Drop In Session for Megalong Valley and The Mounts Communities on Facebook Share Drop In Session for Megalong Valley and The Mounts Communities on Twitter Share Drop In Session for Megalong Valley and The Mounts Communities on Linkedin Email Drop In Session for Megalong Valley and The Mounts Communities link

    Council will be holding a Drop In Session for the Megalong Valley and The Mounts communities on Monday 3 March 2014 from 6pm to 8pm at Katoomba Library.

    Planners will be available to discuss issues related to the new Draft LEP.

  • Why is Council exhibiting the new draft plan before Christmas?

    Share Why is Council exhibiting the new draft plan before Christmas? on Facebook Share Why is Council exhibiting the new draft plan before Christmas? on Twitter Share Why is Council exhibiting the new draft plan before Christmas? on Linkedin Email Why is Council exhibiting the new draft plan before Christmas? link

    Council has been allocated a time frame from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to finalise its Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan by the middle of next year, therefore in order to have enough time to complete an adequate public exhibition of the plan, the exhibition process needs to begin before Christmas.

  • Have Your Say on Draft Blue Mountains LEP 2013

    Share Have Your Say on Draft Blue Mountains LEP 2013 on Facebook Share Have Your Say on Draft Blue Mountains LEP 2013 on Twitter Share Have Your Say on Draft Blue Mountains LEP 2013 on Linkedin Email Have Your Say on Draft Blue Mountains LEP 2013 link

    Blue Mountains City Council is pleased to announce the public exhibition of its Draft Local Environmental Plan (DLEP) 2013, a new planning document to guide land use and development for the City of Blue Mountains.


    Blue Mountains City Council is pleased to announce the public exhibition of its Draft Local Environmental Plan (DLEP) 2013, a new planning document to guide land use and development for the City of Blue Mountains.


    Mayor, Cr Mark Greenhill stated the Council’s DLEP 2013 has been prepared in response to the NSW Government requirement for all councils in NSW to prepare a new LEP based on a standard LEP template.


    “The DLEP 2013 is essentially a conversion of Council’s existing planning documents into a single, comprehensive LEP for the City that complies with the NSW Government’s standard format, while maintaining the key provisions in our current LEPs”, said the Mayor.


    “In doing this, Council has made a considerable effort to ensure the DLEP 2013 is a ‘best fit’ with the standard LEP, providing a planning framework that aims to protect our unique environment while permitting appropriate development in the future.”


    “All residents will notice that the zoning of their land will have a new name, and the permitted land uses may have changed, for most properties in the Blue Mountains change will be minimal”, he said.


    The public exhibition period for DLEP 2013 commences Wednesday 4 December 2013 and will conclude on Wednesday 5 March 2014.


    The Mayor said, “Council acknowledges the commencement of the public exhibition in December is not the ideal time to engage the community on a significant planning proposal, however Council is required to adhere to the direction of the NSW Government.


    In recognition of this, Council has extended the closing date of the public exhibition to 5 March 2014 to ensure adequate time for the community to get involved.”


    The public exhibition period will give the community an opportunity to inspect the planning proposal, determine how it will affect their properties and the local area, and provide feedback to Council. The best way to access the planning proposal, including all maps, is through Council’s Have Your Say website at www.bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/draftlep2013. Printed copies of the DLEP 2013 are also available for viewing at Council’s Katoomba and Springwood offices and Blaxland, Springwood and Katoomba Libraries. In addition, there is a ‘drop-in’ centre at Council’ Katoomba Office open Monday to Friday between 9am to 2pm.


    Council is also conducting a number of open information sessions on specific matters including: environment and heritage, residential, rural, business and industrial issues. Further details on the location and dates of these information sessions are on Council’s Have Your Say website. A video recording of these information sessions will be available for viewing on Have Your Say for those interested residents unable to attend. A series of informal drop in sessions at other locations and times, including weekends, will be held in January and February 2014.


    Council has prepared numerous Fact Sheets to provide reader-friendly information on DLEP 2013 on topics such as the legal framework, zoning related matters, development standards and specific land uses. These Fact Sheets are available on line and at the locations previously mentioned.


    While printed copies of the DLEP 2013 Planning Proposal, or parts thereof, are available for purchase, it is recommended that the best way to interact with DLEP 2013 is through the Have Your Say website. A USB complete with the Planning Proposal can also be purchased from Council if required.


    Council’s Planning team can be contacted on enquirydlep2013@bmcc.nsw.gov.au or 4723 5999 (Lower Mountains) or 4780 5999 (Upper Mountains).


    Written submissions on DLEP 2013 are welcome and can be made via

    • Online submission at bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/draftlep2013
    • Email submissiondlep2013@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
    • Letter addressed to General Manager, BMCC, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
  • How Land is Zoned

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    A recent enquiry about 'how land is zoned' asked:

    We are on the edge of one zone type (LBC/E4) with our 2nd (neighbouring) block zoned LG/R2. Given the disparity between these two zonings I'd like to know exactly what determines our zoning. Is it topography, distance from the bush, street placement, or a combination of factors, and if so, what are they please? Thanks

    In answer to this question it would be helpful to know where the property is located in order to give a more specific answer. There are many factors involved in determining how land is zoned.  Zones reflect the primary character of land, such as residential, industrial or rural, and indicate the type of use which may be appropriate in that zone.  Council planners usually start by determining which environmental constraints might exist, and what areas are special or sensitive and in need of particular protection.

    In this case some of the subject land would have special environmental qualities worthy of protection, requiring an Environmental zone (E4) to be applied over that land. These might include scenic or environmental values such as significant flora and fauna habitat, significant natural areas or proximity to a water course. Land zoned Living Bushland Conservation under LEP 2005, or Residential Bushland Conservation under LEP 1991, has, under DLEP 2013, generally been transferred to  the E4 zone.  E4 is intended for existing urban areas with environmental or scenic values, where low impact residential uses do not adversely affect these special characteristics.

  • Information Sessions

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    The Information Sessions that took place during December are available for viewing in the 'Video' Section of this webpage or as powerpoint presentations in the webpage 'Library'. The Sessions are also available on Councils You Tube website via the following link:
