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As part of its initial scoping for the Masterplanning process for Blackheath, over the last six months, Council has asked for comment from a range of stakeholders. These comments have been organised into a database and added to this website. They can be found in the Document Library.
Commentators included
- Council staff
- Visitor Information Centre Managers
- National Parks staff
- Range of community groups using the Blackheath Aliance forum
- Key property owners
These comments represent a range of views and experiences and will be augmented by the consultation to be held at the community workshop on August 15th at the Phillips Hall, Blackheath.
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After a competitive quotation process, Council has appointed Context Landscape Design to undertake the development of Masterplanning for Blackheath town centre. Context have a long and distinguished history in this work, including Wentworth Point, Green Square, Goat Island and Macquarie University. They have also been involved with ongoing design work at the Emirates Wolgan Valley Resort.
Darren Mansfield from Context will be available along with the Traffic and Parking Consultant, Fred Gennaoui, to listen to residents comments and concerns and discuss at the first public workshop
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The Blackheath Masterplanning process has taken an important new step with the appointment of Gennaoui Consulting to undertake the Traffic,Parking and Pedestrian Study for the Blackheath Village centre.
Traffic counts, user interviews and parking occupancy surveys will be undertaken in the next few weeks, with a final report due around the third week of July. Some of the members of this group may well come across Fred Gennaoui or his contractors in the village centre during this time.
If you have any further comments, please add them to the Have Your Say website and I will add them to the data base of comments to date.
Please remember that if you are having any issues with the functioning of the website – or access - please email whoshould be able to sort them out.
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Over the coming 18 months Council will be undertaking a Master Planning process for the village centre of Blackheath. The Blackheath Masterplan will focus primarily on the public domain - that is the roads, carparks, footpaths and other public areas of the Blackheath village centre. It will set a clear framework for upgrading the town centre into the future in a way that addresses current and projected future needs for Blackheath. A review of the public spaces in the village centre is timely to identify ways in which it can be made more functional, safe and attractive for both locals and visitors. The Masterplan seeks improvements to parking turnover and traffic circulation, village character and pedestrian amenity.
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Council invites you, as a member of the Feedback Group, to assist firstly in our initial scoping of the Masterplan project, by identifying the issues you see as significant within the town centre that may
be addressed through the masterplanning process. An Interactive Mapping Tool has been provided (below) to allow your comments regarding the Village Centre to be attached to specific sites.
You may also use the Forum below to provide detailed feedback about the issues you see as important within the Blackheath Village Centre, and to engage with other members of the Group and with Council Staff.
Background studies relevant to the Blackheath Village Centre can be found in the document library
section of this site. The Mount Victoria, Blackheath and Wentworth Falls heritage assessment of core village areas study was undertaken to inform LEP 2005, but provides good information on the architectural styles, and general history of Blackheath. The Hazelbrook Village Centre public domain masterplan is a useful example of a completed masterplanning project for a Blue Mountains village; this document was published in mid - 2014.
Council invites you, as a member of the Feedback Group, to assist firstly in our initial scoping of the Masterplan project, by identifying the issues you see as significant within the town centre that may
be addressed through the masterplanning process. An Interactive Mapping Tool has been provided to allow your comments regarding the Village Centre to be attached to specific sites.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
You can use the interactive map to mark and pin point your ideas, comments and suggestions in regards to the Blackheath Masterplanning process.
The map is a google map and functions in the same way. Simply use the click and drag, and zoom features to find the location you would like to comment on and then click on this icon:
to add you pin.
Reminder: The Blackheath Masterplan will focus primarily on the public domain - that is the roads, carparks, footpaths and other public areas of the Blackheath village centre