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The Blackheath Masterplan Feedback Group – How You can Help
Council invites you, as a member of the Feedback Group, to assist firstly in our initial scoping of the Masterplan project, by identifying the issues you see as significant within the town centre that may
be addressed through the masterplanning process. An Interactive Mapping Tool has been provided (below) to allow your comments regarding the Village Centre to be attached to specific sites.
You may also use the Forum below to provide detailed feedback about the issues you see as important within the Blackheath Village Centre, and to engage with other members of the Group and with Council Staff.
Background studies relevant to the Blackheath Village Centre can be found in the document library
section of this site. The Mount Victoria, Blackheath and Wentworth Falls heritage assessment of core village areas study was undertaken to inform LEP 2005, but provides good information on the architectural styles, and general history of Blackheath. The Hazelbrook Village Centre public domain masterplan is a useful example of a completed masterplanning project for a Blue Mountains village; this document was published in mid - 2014.
Council invites you, as a member of the Feedback Group, to assist firstly in our initial scoping of the Masterplan project, by identifying the issues you see as significant within the town centre that may
be addressed through the masterplanning process. An Interactive Mapping Tool has been provided to allow your comments regarding the Village Centre to be attached to specific sites.
Consultation has concluded