Key Dates
11 December 2015
Completion Date for Park Upgrade Works!
Park Upgrade works will be complete.
Some components of Art Project will continue after this date
Some components of Art Project will continue after this date
08 November 2014
Community Meeting - Initial Project Commencement
Meeting held at Winmalee Guide Hall on Saturday 8 November 2014 for wider community. Background to project & funding explained; Meeting participants did think tank on ideas for park; Consultation methods discussed; Steering group formed.
27 November 2014
First Steering Group Meeting
First meeting of Steering Group held at Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre. Steering Group Terms of Reference discussed. Needs of Park discussed. Discussion on Focussed Consultation including who and how. Survey to be organised for local community on park requirements. Presentation made on childrens needs.
March → April 2015
Draft Plan modified and further developed
Initial draft layout plan developed into a Draft Plan for placement on Public Exhibition.
11 May → 31 May 2015
Public Exhibition of Draft Plans for Park
Draft Plan on exhibition for review and comment
24 May 2015
Public Information Session
Sunday 10-am - 1pm . Information session held at Yellow Rock Park.
Drop in to review Draft Plan and provide feedback.
Drop in to review Draft Plan and provide feedback.
04 June 2015
Fourth Steering Group meeting
Discuss how to respond to feedback that arises from consultation phase.
June 2015
Revise Draft Plan for Yellow Rock Reserve
Incorporate direction as provided.
Consider what further consultation is necessary.
Plan community engagement in construction phase.
Consider what further consultation is necessary.
Plan community engagement in construction phase.