Photos submitted through the Love Blue Mountains Project

Photo Credit: Andrzej Krawczyk
Full Caption: Chatting in the rain From afar the waterfall seemed to be a silent stream cascading over the rock formations with determined, all weather walkers standing admiring the view and chatting amongst themselves. As I drew near the cascading water the noise increased drowning out eager conversations with its deafening roar. My photo from my 2015 Blue Mountains photo archives was taken at the famous Leura Cascades. It shows two people under their raincoats engaged in deep conversation encompassed by nature. I have a passion for walking and photography in the Blue Mountains. Leura Cascades is a spectacular walking track and a world-class photography hotspot. From the very beginning this track leads keen walkers, of every ability from the picnic grounds and car park along bridges and walkways into the cool, moist atmosphere of the rainforest, crossing beautiful creeks, waterfalls and pools filled with infamous mossy rocks. Walkers can choose from the many variations of this walk, from half an hour to half-day treks including seeing the remarkable Leura Cascades and magnificent Bridal Veil Falls. Leura Cascades continues to be a favourite among locals and a notoriously, famous, international tourist destination for all lovers of nature, walking and photography. - A. Krawczyk