Street Tree Masterplan

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Consultation has concluded

Blue Mountains City Council has prepared a Draft Street Tree Masterplan aimed at residents, Council staff and developers whose proposals interact with public streets in town and village centres. The Street Tree Masterplan aims to coordinate species to maximise both the functional and aesthetic standards and performance of trees in the public domain. It also seeks to set higher technical standards for species selection, planting and maintenance of trees throughout the Local Government Area.

The Street Tree Masterplan will be exhibited from Wednesday 5 May – until COB 4 June 2010 inclusive at the following locations: Council Libraries; Katoomba and

Blue Mountains City Council has prepared a Draft Street Tree Masterplan aimed at residents, Council staff and developers whose proposals interact with public streets in town and village centres. The Street Tree Masterplan aims to coordinate species to maximise both the functional and aesthetic standards and performance of trees in the public domain. It also seeks to set higher technical standards for species selection, planting and maintenance of trees throughout the Local Government Area.

The Street Tree Masterplan will be exhibited from Wednesday 5 May – until COB 4 June 2010 inclusive at the following locations: Council Libraries; Katoomba and Springwood Council offices, between the hours of 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday; and Council’s website

Written comments on the Draft Street Tree Masterplan are welcome and should be marked ‘Submission: Draft Street Tree Masterplan’ with file number F05493, and should be sent to one of the following:

· Post to: The General Manager, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780

· Fax to: BMCC 4780 5555 - Att. Records: Draft Street Tree Masterplan

· Deliver to: Katoomba or Springwood Council offices

· E-mail to:

Submissions must be received by close of business Friday18 June 2010. For further information please contact Michaela Denny on 4780 5686.

Discussions: All (3) Open (0)
  • Indigenous versus exotic species?

    almost 15 years ago
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    Many of Council's policies, studies and plans talk about the twin themes of indigenous and 'cultural' (exotic) landscapes. Is the balance of these correct in the Draft Street Tree Masterplan?

  • The battle for space between trees and roads.

    almost 15 years ago
    Share The battle for space between trees and roads. on Facebook Share The battle for space between trees and roads. on Twitter Share The battle for space between trees and roads. on Linkedin Email The battle for space between trees and roads. link
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    Council is responsible for managing local roads as well as footpaths street trees, signs, kerbs and gutters and other street infrastructure. How do you think this is best achieved?

  • Community involvement in street tree management

    almost 15 years ago
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    Is there potential for greater involvement of the community in management of the City's Street trees?