Understanding the Place Vitality Criteria

Making effective decisions about a complex place such as Springwood Town Centre requires considered thinking.

Council’s decision to proceed with the creation of a Springwood Town Centre Masterplan is responding to community aspirations. At present a holistic view based on a thorough analysis of the local economic, social, cultural and environmental issues is not guiding the day to day decisions nor the long term desires of the local community.

By Council dedicating time and resources to work closely with the community to realise a new approach for the Springwood Town Centre will create opportunities for the future.

The Masterplan Approach - Place Vitality Criteria
The McGregor Coxall team has developed a town centre revitalisation approach that integrates both masterplanning and placemaking together.

To ensure a well considered and holistic masterplanning process, six place vitality criteria have been identified. At the core of the vitality criteria is the community and the crucial role they play in informing the strategies, actions, future governance and future implementation of the master plan.

The Masterplan for Springwood will be developed using this process and will be continuously referred to in all documentation. To find out more about the thinking and approach please follow the "news" articles in the coming weeks

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