Draft Plan of Management for Rest Park, Springwood

Blue Mountains City Council has endorsed that this draft Plan of Management (POM) for Rest Park, Springwood be placed on public exhibition at the council meeting on Tuesday 24 September.
Rest Park is located at 272A Macquarie Road, Springwood. It is a simple town park - one of five civic parks servicing the Springwood central business district.
Please view the Draft Plan of Management to the right, in the Document Library. A hard-copy can also be viewed at Springwood library.
Submissions have now closed. The draft Plan of Management and a report on the submissions received during the public exhibition will be presented to Council at the January 2020 meeting.
Submission Form: Draft POM Rest Park
This form allows you to make a submission on the draft Plan of Management for Rest Park, Springwood.
Your submission must be received by Wednesday 20 November, 2019.