How else can I make a submission on the draft design the Junior Skate Facility at Melrose Park

    Written feedback should be marked ‘Submission: Melrose Park Junior Skate Facility – File F07171’. 

     Submissions can be forwarded in the following ways:

     On-Line: .  Go to Melrose Park information page, and follow prompts to forward a submission.

     Post:  General Manager, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, KATOOMBA, 2780.

     Hand deliver:  Katoomba or Springwood Council Offices, or at the information session


     Fax:      (02) 4780 5555

    Where can I view the draft design?

    The draft design is available for viewing at the Katoomba Council Office and at the Katoomba Library. 

    The designs can also be downloaded from the 'library' section of this web page.  

    Why are we considering to have a Junior Skate Facilty, and what is the rationale for choosing Melrose Park?

    The proposal has resulted from an indentified need for a facility within within Katoomba to cater for 'wheels' type recreation for junior skaters and their families.  This resulted from investigations that were undertaken in 2009/2010 on the current Katoomba Skate facility.  The current facility at Goldsmith Place does not cater well for junior or family use.  This facility however will remain for experienced senior skaters.

    The council reports that outline this process and the rational for the selection of Melrose Park for a junior skate park are collected together in the library section of this information page, which can be accessed from the right hand side of this particular web page

    Melrose Park was selected from 21 sites around Katoomba & Leura by a group including Police representatives, who considered the following attributes in selecting the site:

    (i) Accessibility (ii) Site suitability (iii) Amenities (iv) Impacts on residents, businesses, existing uses and the landscape (v) Surveillance and (vi) Police support.



    What stage is this proposal at?

    The design for a junior skate facility at Melrose park is still only a proposal at this stage. A draft design has been developed with a steering committee made of community members.  This draft design is now being put forward on public exhibtion to the community for comment and feedback. 

    The public exhibition of this design will run until Friday 30 March 2012. The exhibition  of this design is your opportunity to provide approval or otherwise of the design, and to also provide suggestions which could improve this design. 


    Is this facility still a proposal?

    Yes it is.  The resolutions from the Council meeting of the 7 June 2011 included

    • That the Council adopts Melrose Park, in principle, as the location for a skate park facility for junior skateboarder use; and
    • That the Council receives a further report on the outcomes of the consultation and design process by February 2012.

    The a draft design has been developed, and initial feedback recieved during the period of the development of the design has been noted and reported to Councillors. 

    The design is now at a stage where it can be reviewed by the community for feedback.  Your comments and feedback are important, and will help provide direction.

    The outcomes of the exhibition of this design will be reported back to a Council meeting later in the year.  This is likely to be in May 2012.  Councillors will then make a decision as to whether to proceed with this particular design or not.   


    What is this facility for, and is it limited to junior use?

    This facility will be designed for children who are just learning to ride or skate and who would normally come with their parents or whose caregivers would not be comfortable with attendance at Goldsmith Place.

     It is intended to accommodate uses such as small bicycles, rip sticks, scooters and skate boards. It may also incorporate other play features and amenities to enhance the recreational experience.

    It is proposed to limit use of the facility to juniors only through the type of equipment provided. As designed, it is not expected to be of interest to senior skaters. The height limits and low number of features will not challenge proficient skaters, bike riders or scooter users.

    What about the current skate park in Katoomba?

    Goldsmith Place will still be the main venue for older skaters and experienced skaters. Council has plans to upgrade the Goldsmith Place facility, not close it.

    There has been an identified need however, to provide an alternative facility for young children and their families.

    Do skate parks attract more crime?

    Police in the Blue Mountains have noted that there are no specific crime related issues associated with skate parks, and Police Crime Response Staff do not identify increases in crime when skate parks are built. It is also noted that the incidences of antisocial behaviour in skate parks are no different to any other public space in the Blue Mountains.

    Has an Environmental Impact Study been done?

    Council has undertaken an environmental assessment as per Part V of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.  There was no indication tha additional special studies were needed.  This assessment has been added to the library of this information web page shortly for viewing.

    There has been talk of 'Outreach Programs', what are these?

    The local Mountains Youth Services Team (MYST) will, on request, go and talk with groups of youth about youth matters where there is a pattern of use at any particular site.  It is not expected that this will happen at Melrose Park but the option is available.

    How much of the Park will be taken up?

    The overall footprint of this proposed junior skate design is approximately 300m2. This is about the same area as the adjacent play equipment , which is also approx. 300m2.  The footprint is about 1% of the total park area.

    Will Dog Off-Leash remain in Melrose Park?

    Yes the dog off-lesah in Melrose will remain; the off-leash area is the oval surface only and is seperated from the proposed facility with a steep slope and barriers.

    Will the toilets be opened during the day?

    The skate facility is regarded as play equipment; Council does not routinely open and close toilets at parks with play equipment.

    Will parking be provided?

    Yes.  There a 6 formal car spaces in the design.

    Will resident only parking be provided?

    It is not considered that this is likely to be necessary, but if the need arises it will be referred to the Local Traffic Advisory Committee who can recommend resident only parking.

    Will footpaths be provided on the Melrose side of Albion Street?

    The need will be monitored, and if it is a demonstrable need it will be included in Council's program.

    What are the depths of the bowls?

    The small bowl is designed to be 300mm deep and the larger bowl is 600mm deep.  This is much small than anything that is offered at Goldsmith Place or the Lawson Skate Facility.