Summary of proposed measures
Explorers Road between Lucasville Road & Emu Road
- Improvements to the pedestrian refuge at the Explorers Road and Lucasville Road intersection by means of signage and line marking measures to improve compliance with Australian and Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) standards.
- Renewal of road line marking treatments including double, unbroken dividing lines and intersection holding lines.
- Installation of Retroflective Raised Pavement Markings (RRPMs) around bends.
- A lighting assessment at the intersection of Explorers Road and Lucasville Road intersection.
Explorers Road between Emu Road & Governors Drive
- Install double, unbroken dividing lines in place of the existing broken lines along Explores Road fronting the netball courts. This measure acts to ensure a 3-metre passage of travel is retained in each direction.
- Provision of a 10-metre section of 5-minute timed parking restrictions for pick-up / drop-off operations at Lapstone Oval.
- Installation of additional ‘No Stopping’ and ‘Bus Zone’ signage to enforce existing parking restrictions.
- A median island treatment at the intersection of Explorers Road and Governors Drive to improve driver lane discipline.
- Renewal of faded line markings, provision of Retroflective Raised Pavement Markings (RRPMs), and the improvement to the children’s crossing fronting Lapstone Primary School.
- An increased ranger presence during peak sporting periods is recommended to deter illegal parking behaviour.
Explorers Road between Governors Drive & Dawes Place
- Parking restrictions at the Explorers Road and Governors Drive intersection in the form of yellow kerbside no stopping line (C3).
- Renewal of the Give-Way lines and double, unbroken dividing lines at the Explorers Road and Governors Drive intersection.
Governors Drive between Explorers Road & Byrnes Street
- Removal of the double, unbroken dividing lines along the length of this segment (excluding the lines at the Explorers Road and Governors Drive intersection).
- Parking restrictions at the Explorers Road and Governors Drive intersection in the form of yellow kerbside no stopping line (C3).
Governors Drive between Explorers Road & Great Western Highway
- Provision of a yellow kerbside no stopping line (C3) to indicate areas with no stopping restrictions.
- Provision of entry signage to indicate road conditions.
- Installation of delineation measures around bends to improve driver lane discipline. These measures will be accompanied by chevron alignment markers and curve advisory signage.
- Renewal of double, unbroken dividing lines, installation of edge line markings, and addition of Retroflective Raised Pavement Markers (RRPMs).
Consultation has concluded