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Concept Plan Survey

Thank you for helping us learn about your experience. 

The results of this survey will be used to inform the delivery of the Active Transport Link for Hawkesbury Road. 

This survey will close at 5pm Friday 28 February. Information about Blue Mountains City Council’s Privacy Policy is available here

The survey will take approximately 1-2 minutes to complete. 

During the survey you will have an opportunity to register your interest in participating in future consultation opportunities linked to this program. 

If you would like assistance to complete this survey please contact Council on 02 4723 5000 or To assist our team to direct your enquiry, please quote the survey name 'Active Transport Links - Hawkesbury Road - Concept Plan Survey'. 

Council Offices


2-6 Civic Place

Katoomba NSW 2780

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm


104 Macquarie Rd

Springwood NSW 2777

Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm


Lower Mountains (02) 4723 5000

Upper Mountains (02) 4780 5000

International call 0011 61 2 4780 5000


ABN 52 699 520 223