The Gully Draft Plan of Management - Public Hearing Date
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Public Hearing will now be taking place via Zoom:
- When: 1-2.30pm, Saturday 7 August, 2021
- Where: Zoom platform (the link will be emailed to registered participants)
- Register: email: or phone 4780 5000 and quote 'The Gully Public Hearing'
- Registration by 5pm Friday 6 August 2021 is essential to attend the online public hearing.
Registered participants will need to provide an email address and download the Zoom app on a desktop or mobile device to receive the invitation to the online public hearing.
For anyone who is unable to participate in the online public hearing, they can comment on proposed land recategorisation by making a written submission or contact Council until Sunday 22 August 2021 via:
- the online submission form
- in writing to Council by: email:
- post: Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, KATOOMBA NSW 2780 Attention: Andrew Johnson/Soren Mortensen
The Gully Aboriginal Place Draft Plan of Management proposes amending the existing land categories from Community land to Natural Area - bushland to reflect changes to vegetation mapping and from Sportsground to Natural Area – bushland; Natural Area – wetland; and Natural Area – watercourse (at the previous racetrack location).
The Draft Plan of Management also includes three parcels of Crown Land that are part of the Katoomba Falls Reserve.
The Public Hearing is required under the Crowns Land Management Act 2016 and will be conducted by an independent planning consultant.
Consultation has concluded