Why Change?
As noted above, the booking of the pavilion has been undertaken by the Council’s Facility Bookings Officers. This has, at times, led to conflict between sporting use and casual community use. In part, this is due to the concurrent booking process required at this location, where bookings for the sporting oval are made by sports booking officers, and the pavilion is booked by facilities booking officers.
The management of the pavilion as a Community Facility also leads to an inconsistency for sporting hirers of Gloria Park. At all other Council sports grounds, the associated amenities and/or clubhouse buildings are included as part of the normal sportsground booking, with no fee attached. Seasonal hirers of the Gloria Park Pavilion are required to pay a hire fee for access to the pavilion. This inconsistency leads to increased costs for clubs located in Hazelbrook, when compared to other sporting clubs located in the Blue Mountains.
This consultation has concluded.