Management of Gloria Park Pavilion
This consultation has concluded.
Council proposes to change the management of the Gloria Park Pavilion from a Community Building to a Sportsground facility.
This page explains the reasons behind this proposal and seeks your feedback until November 29, 2020.
Council proposes to change the management of the Gloria Park Pavilion from a Community Building to a Sportsground facility.
This page explains the reasons behind this proposal and seeks your feedback until November 29, 2020.
This consultation has concluded.
Share Background on Facebook Share Background on Twitter Share Background on Linkedin Email Background linkThe Gloria Park Pavilion was constructed in the mid-1980s, and extended the building in 1992 and 1993. The Pavilion was damaged by fire and reconstructed in 1998.
Gloria Park Pavilion provides a main room, kitchen, storeroom, an accessible bathroom and two change rooms.
Historically the Pavilion was managed by a management committee appointed by the Council. This Committee managed bookings for the Pavilion and the tennis courts at Gloria Park. Owing to a decline in numbers, this committee was disbanded in 2007.
Current Management
Share Current Management on Facebook Share Current Management on Twitter Share Current Management on Linkedin Email Current Management linkSince the disbanding of the committee, booking of the pavilion has been undertaken by the Council’s Facility Bookings Officers.
Current Bookings
Share Current Bookings on Facebook Share Current Bookings on Twitter Share Current Bookings on Linkedin Email Current Bookings linkA review of received bookings for this site over the past three financial years (from July 2017) shows that:
- on average, more than 85 bookings were received for sport uses and casual sport events per annum; and
- a total of eight (8) bookings, apart from regular sports use, were received. Four of these bookings were for the annual Hazelbrook Family Fun Day, two were for birthday parties, two were for a picnic/outing, and the remaining two were for casual sports events which were associated with the oval.
The booking review shows that the use of the Gloria Park Pavilion is generally auxiliary to sports use on the nearby oval. Due to high utilization of the pavilion by sporting groups on the weekends, community use is limited.
Why Change?
Share Why Change? on Facebook Share Why Change? on Twitter Share Why Change? on Linkedin Email Why Change? linkAs noted above, the booking of the pavilion has been undertaken by the Council’s Facility Bookings Officers. This has, at times, led to conflict between sporting use and casual community use. In part, this is due to the concurrent booking process required at this location, where bookings for the sporting oval are made by sports booking officers, and the pavilion is booked by facilities booking officers.
The management of the pavilion as a Community Facility also leads to an inconsistency for sporting hirers of Gloria Park. At all other Council sports grounds, the associated amenities and/or clubhouse buildings are included as part of the normal sportsground booking, with no fee attached. Seasonal hirers of the Gloria Park Pavilion are required to pay a hire fee for access to the pavilion. This inconsistency leads to increased costs for clubs located in Hazelbrook, when compared to other sporting clubs located in the Blue Mountains.
Will community events still occur at Gloria Park?
Share Will community events still occur at Gloria Park? on Facebook Share Will community events still occur at Gloria Park? on Twitter Share Will community events still occur at Gloria Park? on Linkedin Email Will community events still occur at Gloria Park? linkCouncil’s current Sportsground Hire and Use handbook acknowledges that occasional community use of Sporting Facilities to support festivals and community events is a desirable outcome. The handbook allows, with sufficient notice, that sporting activity at any BM Sportsground may be suspended for a community use booking. It is envisaged that this provision of the Sportsground Hire and Use handbook will be utilised to support community events at Gloria Park such as the Hazelbrook Family Fun day.
What alternative community facilities are nearby?
Share What alternative community facilities are nearby? on Facebook Share What alternative community facilities are nearby? on Twitter Share What alternative community facilities are nearby? on Linkedin Email What alternative community facilities are nearby? linkAlternative Council owned community facilities for meetings nearby to the Gloria Park Pavilion are:
- Lawson Mechanics Institute;
- Mid Mountains Community Centre; and
- Mountains Community Resource Network Meeting Room (Lawson).
While these facilities are located in Lawson, they are all located less than 5 minutes drive from Gloria Park
How can I contribute to this discussion?
Share How can I contribute to this discussion? on Facebook Share How can I contribute to this discussion? on Twitter Share How can I contribute to this discussion? on Linkedin Email How can I contribute to this discussion? linkYou can provide your input into this consultation by completing the form here. Submissions close Sunday 29 November, 2020.
Comments received in this exhibition period will be reported to the Council in early 2021.