Seniors Housing Planning Controls
(Draft Amendment 4 to Blue Mountains Development Control Plan 2015)
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Thank you for your interest this consultation has concluded.
The NSW Government recently made changes to State planning policy on seniors housing. In response, Council is proposing changes to local planning controls for housing for seniors and people with a disability. These changes are being proposed through a draft amendment to Blue Mountains Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015.
At the 24 November 2020 meeting, Council endorsed this draft DCP amendment for public exhibition to seek the community's feedback on these important planning controls. The exhibition material is provided in the document library on the right hand side of this page. A new section (F7.7) for seniors housing is proposed, as well as amendments to existing sections (in Part F and Part E) of the DCP. In the proposed amendments to the existing portions of DCP 2015, the changes are shown in red. Details on how to make a submission are provided below.
Council’s local planning framework currently allows seniors housing to occur in appropriate locations. The proposed amendment introduces planning controls to improve design outcomes. This also delivers on the Blue Mountains Local Housing Strategy 2020 objective to meet the housing needs of our ageing population, and provide opportunities for people to age in place within their community.
The purpose of Amendment 4 to the DCP is to:
Establish local planning provisions for housing for seniors and/or people with a disability (seniors housing); and
Make minor housekeeping changes, to correct identified errors
Predominantly, this amendment responds to changes to State Environmental Planning Policy(Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 (Seniors SEPP). On 29 July 2020 the NSW State Government made changes to the Seniors SEPP to prevent new proposals for seniors housing on land within the Metropolitan Rural Area of Greater Sydney. The entire Blue Mountains Local Government Area is mapped as Metropolitan Rural Area. Consequently, the Seniors SEPP no longer applies to the Blue Mountains, meaning local planning provisions are required. More detail about the Seniors SEPP changes can be viewed here.
Amendment 4 to the DCP foreshadows future amendments to Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015, which will seek to strengthen draft Amendment 4 DCP controls. Further detail on the background of this proposed DCP amendment can be found in the Council Business Paper, Council Meeting: Enclosure Item 35 and Council Meeting: Minutes.
Making a Submission
DCP 2015 Draft Amendment 4 is on public exhibition from 2 December 2020 until 20 January 2021.
Mailing to Chief Executive Officer, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba, NSW 2780
Hand delivering to Katoomba Administrative Offices
Please include Submission to Amendment 4 to DCP 2015 in your heading.
Submissions must be received in writing by Wednesday 20 January 2021.
The NSW Government recently made changes to State planning policy on seniors housing. In response, Council is proposing changes to local planning controls for housing for seniors and people with a disability. These changes are being proposed through a draft amendment to Blue Mountains Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015.
At the 24 November 2020 meeting, Council endorsed this draft DCP amendment for public exhibition to seek the community's feedback on these important planning controls. The exhibition material is provided in the document library on the right hand side of this page. A new section (F7.7) for seniors housing is proposed, as well as amendments to existing sections (in Part F and Part E) of the DCP. In the proposed amendments to the existing portions of DCP 2015, the changes are shown in red. Details on how to make a submission are provided below.
Council’s local planning framework currently allows seniors housing to occur in appropriate locations. The proposed amendment introduces planning controls to improve design outcomes. This also delivers on the Blue Mountains Local Housing Strategy 2020 objective to meet the housing needs of our ageing population, and provide opportunities for people to age in place within their community.
The purpose of Amendment 4 to the DCP is to:
Establish local planning provisions for housing for seniors and/or people with a disability (seniors housing); and
Make minor housekeeping changes, to correct identified errors
Predominantly, this amendment responds to changes to State Environmental Planning Policy(Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 (Seniors SEPP). On 29 July 2020 the NSW State Government made changes to the Seniors SEPP to prevent new proposals for seniors housing on land within the Metropolitan Rural Area of Greater Sydney. The entire Blue Mountains Local Government Area is mapped as Metropolitan Rural Area. Consequently, the Seniors SEPP no longer applies to the Blue Mountains, meaning local planning provisions are required. More detail about the Seniors SEPP changes can be viewed here.
Amendment 4 to the DCP foreshadows future amendments to Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015, which will seek to strengthen draft Amendment 4 DCP controls. Further detail on the background of this proposed DCP amendment can be found in the Council Business Paper, Council Meeting: Enclosure Item 35 and Council Meeting: Minutes.
Making a Submission
DCP 2015 Draft Amendment 4 is on public exhibition from 2 December 2020 until 20 January 2021.
Please complete the submission form or upload a separate file with your comments in reference to Draft Amendment 4 to DCP 2015.
Please ensure that you have read Council's privacy statement prior to making a submission.
Thank you for your interest this consultation has concluded.
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