Draft Community Participation Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Blue Mountains City Council endorsed the draft Community Participation Plan (CPP), incorporating its first amendment, for public exhibition at the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 24 November 2020. The draft CPP incorporates changes necessitated by an amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in April 2020, and includes some minor corrections.

Council adopted the first version of the Community Participation Plan in March 2020 to document how it will engage with the public on planning functions. Council is exhibiting a draft CPP (Amendment 1) from Monday 7 December 2020 to Friday 22 January 2021, for information and comment, noting that a number of the changes are a result of legislative requirements and may not be altered.

The CPP is required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and outlines how and when Council engages with the community in exercising its planning functions. These functions include preparing planning proposals and the consideration of development applications, and involve associated notification periods and notification requirements.

Mandatory minimum exhibition timeframes for development applications and plan making are provided in Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. These minimum timeframes are incorporated in the CPP, along with specific notification requirements.

The purpose of the draft CPP is to provide a single document that the public can access that sets out all of a council’s community participation requirements for planning functions under the Act. The draft CPP is also consistent with guidance from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Please view the draft CPP to the right, in the Document Library. A hard-copy can also be viewed at Katoomba at Springwood library. You can also view the Council Report outlining the changes to the draft CPP in the Document Library.

Submissions close Friday 22 January 2021.

How else can I lodge a submission?

Formal submissions should be marked “Draft Community Participation Plan”.

Submissions can also be:

  • Posted to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780;
  • Hand delivered to Katoomba or Springwood Council offices during business hours; or
  • E-mailed to council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

For more information please contact the Strategic Land Use team on 4780 5000 or council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

Following the closure of the exhibition period, a further report will be prepared for the consideration of Council, summarising the results of the public exhibition process.

Blue Mountains City Council endorsed the draft Community Participation Plan (CPP), incorporating its first amendment, for public exhibition at the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 24 November 2020. The draft CPP incorporates changes necessitated by an amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in April 2020, and includes some minor corrections.

Council adopted the first version of the Community Participation Plan in March 2020 to document how it will engage with the public on planning functions. Council is exhibiting a draft CPP (Amendment 1) from Monday 7 December 2020 to Friday 22 January 2021, for information and comment, noting that a number of the changes are a result of legislative requirements and may not be altered.

The CPP is required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and outlines how and when Council engages with the community in exercising its planning functions. These functions include preparing planning proposals and the consideration of development applications, and involve associated notification periods and notification requirements.

Mandatory minimum exhibition timeframes for development applications and plan making are provided in Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. These minimum timeframes are incorporated in the CPP, along with specific notification requirements.

The purpose of the draft CPP is to provide a single document that the public can access that sets out all of a council’s community participation requirements for planning functions under the Act. The draft CPP is also consistent with guidance from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Please view the draft CPP to the right, in the Document Library. A hard-copy can also be viewed at Katoomba at Springwood library. You can also view the Council Report outlining the changes to the draft CPP in the Document Library.

Submissions close Friday 22 January 2021.

How else can I lodge a submission?

Formal submissions should be marked “Draft Community Participation Plan”.

Submissions can also be:

  • Posted to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780;
  • Hand delivered to Katoomba or Springwood Council offices during business hours; or
  • E-mailed to council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

For more information please contact the Strategic Land Use team on 4780 5000 or council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

Following the closure of the exhibition period, a further report will be prepared for the consideration of Council, summarising the results of the public exhibition process.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This form allows you to make a submission on the draft Community Participation Plan.

    Your submission must be received by Friday 24 January, 2020.

    Consultation has concluded
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