Council adopts Buttenshaw Park Plan of Management and Masterplan
Council adopts Buttenshaw Park Plan of Management and Masterplan
Council adopted the Buttenshaw Park Plan of Management and Masterplan at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 October 2021, with the following alterations:
- Events and activities are limited to 250 people at any one time
- Outdoor small scale group activities or uses, private, commercial or community, such as yoga and fitness classes or weddings, are permitted. They must be without amplification or other noise generation.
The Plan of Management and Masterplan will guide the future management and development of the park.
Buttenshaw Park is one of our four district parks in the Blue Mountains receiving an upgrade thanks to the Western Sydney City Deal Liveability Program.
Now that the plans have been adopted, Council will go to tender with plans to upgrade the youth play space. This upgrade will create an inclusive youth play space with adventure activities for teenagers.