Blaxland Masterplan
This consultation has concluded.
The consultation period for NEW planning options for Blaxland finished on 9 December 2020. Thank you to all those who completed our survey.
The Blaxland Masterplan captured the community-endorsed future vision for the town...
vibrant, distinctive and welcoming with a town centre that retains and enhances its varied services, facilities and activities. Above all - a hub for the local community.
To achieve this vision, Council is developing new planning controls for Blaxland, to encourage revitalisation in the town centre and improve public access.
We will come back to you once community feedback has been analysed.
The consultation period for NEW planning options for Blaxland finished on 9 December 2020. Thank you to all those who completed our survey.
The Blaxland Masterplan captured the community-endorsed future vision for the town...
vibrant, distinctive and welcoming with a town centre that retains and enhances its varied services, facilities and activities. Above all - a hub for the local community.
To achieve this vision, Council is developing new planning controls for Blaxland, to encourage revitalisation in the town centre and improve public access.
We will come back to you once community feedback has been analysed.
This consultation has concluded.
NOW CLOSED - Have your say on the future of the Blaxland Town Centre
Share NOW CLOSED - Have your say on the future of the Blaxland Town Centre on Facebook Share NOW CLOSED - Have your say on the future of the Blaxland Town Centre on Twitter Share NOW CLOSED - Have your say on the future of the Blaxland Town Centre on Linkedin Email NOW CLOSED - Have your say on the future of the Blaxland Town Centre link -
Envelope Study and Public Domain Design Proposal Images and Survey
Share Envelope Study and Public Domain Design Proposal Images and Survey on Facebook Share Envelope Study and Public Domain Design Proposal Images and Survey on Twitter Share Envelope Study and Public Domain Design Proposal Images and Survey on Linkedin Email Envelope Study and Public Domain Design Proposal Images and Survey linkThis has concluded.
Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan
Share Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan on Facebook Share Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan on Twitter Share Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan on Linkedin Email Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan linkThe Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan is available to download from Council's website here.
Draft Masterplan now on public exhibition
Share Draft Masterplan now on public exhibition on Facebook Share Draft Masterplan now on public exhibition on Twitter Share Draft Masterplan now on public exhibition on Linkedin Email Draft Masterplan now on public exhibition linkClick here to go to the interactive map to read about and take part in a short survey on each of the key themes and sites.
Why do we need a Masterplan?
Share Why do we need a Masterplan? on Facebook Share Why do we need a Masterplan? on Twitter Share Why do we need a Masterplan? on Linkedin Email Why do we need a Masterplan? linkCouncil is developing a Masterplan to guide the future direction, planning and potential improvements to the Blaxland Town Centre over the next 15-20 years.
The master planning process helps Council to prioritise projects that enhance the function, character and appearance of town centres progressively as funding becomes available. The process involves significant community consultation to inform the best possible urban environment and to improve the way town centres function.
November 2017: Consultation Update
Share November 2017: Consultation Update on Facebook Share November 2017: Consultation Update on Twitter Share November 2017: Consultation Update on Linkedin Email November 2017: Consultation Update linkThe first consultation workshop was held on 26 November 2016 where participants were asked to identify negatives, positives and opportunities for the town centre. The second workshop and online consultation commenced on 8 April 2017. The second workshop considered concepts for the town centre based on feedback from the first workshop.
A third round of consultation took place on Saturday 4 November 2017 with a community workshop at the Sharon Burridge Hall. Comments were sought on the developed concepts. The material from the workshop is now available on this Have Your Say site for review and comment until 18 December 2017. The final draft Masterplan document will be presented to the Council early 2018.
Thank you to those who have participated.
Consultation Stage Closed - Key Concepts, Options & Big Ideas
Share Consultation Stage Closed - Key Concepts, Options & Big Ideas on Facebook Share Consultation Stage Closed - Key Concepts, Options & Big Ideas on Twitter Share Consultation Stage Closed - Key Concepts, Options & Big Ideas on Linkedin Email Consultation Stage Closed - Key Concepts, Options & Big Ideas linkThis stage of consultation has now closed, thank you to those who participated. Further consultation will be opened later in 2017 for the next stage of the masterplan process.
You can still view some of the material presented at the April 2017 workshop online here.
April 2017: Community Options Workshop
Share April 2017: Community Options Workshop on Facebook Share April 2017: Community Options Workshop on Twitter Share April 2017: Community Options Workshop on Linkedin Email April 2017: Community Options Workshop linkWe are mid way through the Masterplanning process for the village centre of Blaxland to develop a way forward for the next 20 years.
After the initial "analysis" community workshop in November last year, we are now holding a second workshop.
"Options" Community Workshop
- Sharon Burridge Hall
- Saturday 8 April 2017
- 9am -2.30pm
The workshop will be interactive and self-guided so that participants may take as little or as much time as they need. Staff and Consultants will be available on the day to help and facilitate.
For more information contact Christine Jones on 4780 5609.
February 2017: Where are we up to with the Masterplanning process?
Share February 2017: Where are we up to with the Masterplanning process? on Facebook Share February 2017: Where are we up to with the Masterplanning process? on Twitter Share February 2017: Where are we up to with the Masterplanning process? on Linkedin Email February 2017: Where are we up to with the Masterplanning process? linkUpdate on current progress.
November 2016: Community Workshop Results
Share November 2016: Community Workshop Results on Facebook Share November 2016: Community Workshop Results on Twitter Share November 2016: Community Workshop Results on Linkedin Email November 2016: Community Workshop Results linkCouncil conducted a walk - in community workshop on November 28 2016 with around 130 community visitors. The workshop was held to gather community comments about the town centre. Participants were invited to review a wide range of materials - you can view an overview here.
To view the following summary documents from the workshop, click here:
- Findings: Opportunities
- Findings Map: Opportunities
- Findings: Negative vs. Positive
- Findings Map: Positives
- Findings Map: Negatives
The Draft Vision and Principles for the Blaxland Town Centre MasterplanVibrant, distinctive and welcoming, blaxland village centre retains, enhances and expands its offer of varied services, facilities and activities, while providing A hub for the local community.
- Recognise, reinforce and enhance Blaxland’s current position as a service town of considerable convenience;
- Clarify and enhance Blaxland’s identity and visible character as a unique Blue Mountains town centre;
- Add value to Blaxland and encourage longer visitations through town centre living, village atmosphere, increased commercial offer and improvements to amenity and diversity;
- Express a distinct sense of arrival on the Great Western Highway frontage;
- Improve and increase community functions within the town centre;
- Improve town centre access, traffic movement and parking efficiency.
Document Library
Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan
Public Domain Images
IGA Entry Plan (1.06 MB) (jpg)
IGA Entry (2.26 MB) (jpg)
IGA entry and carpark furniture (1.06 MB) (jpg)
Outrim Park Plan (1.21 MB) (jpg)
Outrim Park entry (3.79 MB) (jpg)
Outrim Park lane links (2.36 MB) (jpg)
Station and Hope Streets Plan (1.14 MB) (jpg)
Station and Hope Streets details (3.21 MB) (jpg)
Station and Hope Streets furniture (2.78 MB) (jpg)
Draft Blaxland Town Centre Masterplan
Masterplan Background Studies
Retail Trends (225 KB) (pdf)
Transport Study Occupancy Diagram (455 KB) (pdf)
Transport Study Stage 1 Consult (726 KB) (pdf)
Community Workshop Boards: Town Identity (1.65 MB) (jpg)
Community Workshop Boards: Movement & Spatial (1.75 MB) (jpg)
Community Workshop Boards: Orientation & Economics (1.27 MB) (jpg)
Community Workshop Boards: Complete (6.52 MB) (pdf)
November 2016 Community Workshop: Summary of Results
Life Cycle
November 2016
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageStage 1 Community Consultation - Vision, Issues and Opportunities. Including - Community Workshops, briefings with stakeholder groups and Street Surveys.
April 2017
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageStage 2 Community and stakeholder consultation on the concept masterplan.
April - May 2017
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageContinued community and stakeholder consultation on Key Concepts and Options and further Draft Masterplan development. -
June 2017
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageMasterplan options paper reported to the Council
November-December 2017
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageContinued community and stakeholder consultation
Early-Mid 2018
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageDraft Masterplan reported to the Council recommending public exhibition
Masterplan adopted, subject to outcome of consultation and Council determination -
August 2018
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stageMasterplan adopted. Available to view online here.
November 2018 - January 2019
Blaxland Masterplan has finished this stagePublic Domain Plan and Building Envelope Study - open for community comment.
Ongoing development and delivery
Blaxland Masterplan is currently at this stageSubject to adoption and adequate funding, projects identified in the masterplan will be further developed or delivered
Town Centre Photos October 2016
Key Date
08 April 2017