Application for the Continuation of a Special Variation
After a public exhibition period from 12 November to 16 December 2012, the Council has applied to IPART to renew an expiring special variation to rates for infrastructure on an ongoing basis. Continuing this variation will ensure the Council has the funds to replace the annual borrowings for asset works in order to reduce the projected deterioration of the condition of priority infrastructure (that is roads, stormwater and recreation facilities).
After a public exhibition period from 12 November to 16 December 2012, the Council has applied to IPART to renew an expiring special variation to rates for infrastructure on an ongoing basis. Continuing this variation will ensure the Council has the funds to replace the annual borrowings for asset works in order to reduce the projected deterioration of the condition of priority infrastructure (that is roads, stormwater and recreation facilities).
If approved by IPART, revenue raised will be expended in accordance with the ten year Asset Works Program with $18.5 million being directed to renewal works and $4.5 million being directed to regular maintenance programs for parks, town centres and roads. A detailed program of renewal works for the next four years is provided in the Asset Works Program of the Delivery Program Incorporating the Operational Plan.
Further information of the continuation of the special variation can be accessed at
Consultation has concluded.