Our City Our Future - Sustainable Blue Mountains
Consultation has concluded.
Have Your Say on the proposed action plans for the future of our City of Blue Mountains.
Our City, Our Future Sustainable Blue Mountains - Planning for the next 4 to 10 years
The Council has prepared a number of draft plans for the future of our City, and wishes to invite the views of the community on these plans.
To view a summary brochure about the plans and what each includes, please click here.
The draft plans are on public exhibition from 26 April to 23 May 2013 and are available for viewing byContinue reading
Have Your Say on the proposed action plans for the future of our City of Blue Mountains.
Our City, Our Future Sustainable Blue Mountains - Planning for the next 4 to 10 years
The Council has prepared a number of draft plans for the future of our City, and wishes to invite the views of the community on these plans.
To view a summary brochure about the plans and what each includes, please click here.
The draft plans are on public exhibition from 26 April to 23 May 2013 and are available for viewing by clicking on the links below.
- Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 – Community Strategic Plan – the big-picture, long-term plan for all Blue Mountains stakeholders;
- Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 (Finances, Assets, Workforce) – how the Council will resource its contribution to Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 over the next 10 years. This is accompanied by a supplementary document sumarising Service & Asset Management Plans for 2013-2023; and
- Delivery Program 2013-2017 (Incorporating the Operational Plan 2013-2014) – the Council’s four year and one year work program and service delivery actions, budget, rates statement and seperate supplementary fees and charges.
Alternatively, you can view and download sections of each plan from the “Library” menu.
View and read a hard copy at the Katoomba and Springwood Council Offices or from Council libraries.
Lodge your comments via the online submission
How else can I lodge a submission
Lodge a public submission on any aspect of these plans by 23 May 2013, ensuring you specify what plan you are commenting on and including a section or page reference if appropriate, through the following options:
- Email: council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au (include ‘Our City, Our Future Public Submission’ in the subject)
- Post: Our City, Our Future Public Submission, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
- In Person: Deliver to Katoomba or Springwood Council offices
For more information please contact the Council on 4780 5000 or email council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 - the Community Strategic Plan
Share Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 - the Community Strategic Plan on Facebook Share Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 - the Community Strategic Plan on Twitter Share Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 - the Community Strategic Plan on Linkedin Email Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 - the Community Strategic Plan linkWhat do you want the Blue Mountains to be like in 10 years? Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 (SBM 2025) is the City’s over arching strategic plan. It identifies the priorities and aspirations of the community for our local area over the next 10 years.
What do you want the Blue Mountains to be like in 10 years? Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025 (SBM 2025) is the City’s over arching strategic plan. It identifies the priorities and aspirations of the community for our local area over the next 10 years. SBM 2025 presents a shared plan for all stakeholders – Council, community, business sector and other levels of Government – to work together to achieve. It outlines the Vision, Objectives and Strategies for the achievement of a sustainable Blue Mountains by 2025 through Six Key Directions for our City:
- Key Direction 1 Looking After Environment – AN ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE CITY
- Key Direction 2 Using land – A LIVEABLE CITY
- Key Direction 3 Moving Around – AN ACCESSIBLE CITY
- Key Direction 4 Looking After People – AN INCLUSIVE, HEALTHY & VIBRANT CITY
- Key Direction 5 Sustainable Economy – AN ECONOMICALLY SUSTAINABLE CITY
- Key Direction 6 Civic Leadership – INSPIRING LEADERSHIP
Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023
Share Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 on Facebook Share Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 on Twitter Share Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 on Linkedin Email Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 linkHow will we fund and resource Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025? How can the Council provide a level of service that meets community needs and is affordable? The Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 sets out the Council’s financial capability over the next 10 years to resource implementation of SBM 2025.
How will we fund and resource Sustainable Blue Mountains 2025? How can the Council provide a level of service that meets community needs and is affordable? The Resourcing Strategy 2013-2023 sets out the Council’s financial capability over the next 10 years to resource implementation of SBM 2025. It outlines the Six Key Strategies for strengthening the financial position of the Council and the City. This plan includes:
- The Long-Term Financial Plan 2013-2023
- The Workforce Management Strategy 2013-2023
- The Asset Management Strategy & Policy 2013-2023
- Summary Dashboards: Service & Asset Management Plans 2013-2023 (companion document)
Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating Operational Plan 2013-2014
Share Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating Operational Plan 2013-2014 on Facebook Share Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating Operational Plan 2013-2014 on Twitter Share Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating Operational Plan 2013-2014 on Linkedin Email Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating Operational Plan 2013-2014 linkWhat actions and projects should the Council focus on over the next 4 years? The Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating the Operational Plan 2013-2014 outlines what the Council will do – within available resources – in response to SBM 2025.
What actions and projects should the Council focus on over the next 4 years? The Delivery Program 2013-2017 Incorporating the Operational Plan 2013-2014 outlines what the Council will do – within available resources – in response to SBM 2025. It includes:
- The Council’s 35 Top Priority Actions
- Detailed actions and focus for each service area
- Proposed new, upgrade and renewal asset works
- Detailed financial information
- Fees and Charges 2013-2014 (supplementary document)
Application for the Continuation of a Special Variation
Share Application for the Continuation of a Special Variation on Facebook Share Application for the Continuation of a Special Variation on Twitter Share Application for the Continuation of a Special Variation on Linkedin Email Application for the Continuation of a Special Variation linkAfter a public exhibition period from 12 November to 16 December 2012, the Council has applied to IPART to renew an expiring special variation to rates for infrastructure on an ongoing basis. Continuing this variation will ensure the Council has the funds to replace the annual borrowings for asset works in order to reduce the projected deterioration of the condition of priority infrastructure (that is roads, stormwater and recreation facilities).
After a public exhibition period from 12 November to 16 December 2012, the Council has applied to IPART to renew an expiring special variation to rates for infrastructure on an ongoing basis. Continuing this variation will ensure the Council has the funds to replace the annual borrowings for asset works in order to reduce the projected deterioration of the condition of priority infrastructure (that is roads, stormwater and recreation facilities).
If approved by IPART, revenue raised will be expended in accordance with the ten year Asset Works Program with $18.5 million being directed to renewal works and $4.5 million being directed to regular maintenance programs for parks, town centres and roads. A detailed program of renewal works for the next four years is provided in the Asset Works Program of the Delivery Program Incorporating the Operational Plan.
Further information of the continuation of the special variation can be accessed at www.bluemountainshaveyoursay.com.au/ourcityourfuture
Supporting Information
- Progress & Issues Background Paper (Feb 2013)
- State of City Report 2008 - 2012
- 2013-2014 Budget Estimates by Key Direction and by Service
- End of Council Term Report 2008-2012 - Contents and Introduction
- End of Council Term Report 2008 - 2012 - Civic Leadership
- End of Council Term Report 2008-2012 - Natural Environment
- End of Council Term Report 2008-2012 - Built Environment
- End of Council Term Report 2008-2012 - Social
- End of Council Term report 2008-2012 - Economic
- The Peer-to-Peer Interview Project was a collaboration between the Mountains Youth Services Team (MYST) and Blue Mountains City Council. The purpose was to obtain the views of young people on issues affecting their lives. This video is created from some of the 57 interviews conducted with young people across the city. Young people across the Blue Mountains were given video cameras and were asked to interview each other using the following questions: What do you like most about living in the Blue Mountains? Thinking about your immediate local neighbourhood, what would you say is the most important issue at the moment? What career and life ambitions do you have for when you leave school? Will your career and life ambitions enable you to continue to live in the Blue Mountains? Yes or No. If not, why not? The video was compiled by Michael Hanlon.
Key Dates
25 April → 22 May 2013
24 June 2013