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Council has further committed to the goal of zero waste, after endorsing the draft Towards Zero Waste Strategy 2022-2031 for public exhibition.
This 10 year strategy focuses on the work done to date and provides a detailed action plan presenting clear and practical strategies for continuing to reduce waste to landfill and transition to a zero waste city.
The development of this Strategy is crucial as we balance finite resources with our goals of increased planetary health and long-term sustainability.
The six objectives of the strategy are:
Embed a circular economy by focusing on avoid, reuse, recycle then landfill
Comply with legislation including a focus on environmental management
Maintain ongoing value for money
Ensure flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities
Have a high level of community engagement
Ensure local landfill capacity beyond 2037
Submissions close Tuesday 5 April, 2022.
Council has further committed to the goal of zero waste, after endorsing the draft Towards Zero Waste Strategy 2022-2031 for public exhibition.
This 10 year strategy focuses on the work done to date and provides a detailed action plan presenting clear and practical strategies for continuing to reduce waste to landfill and transition to a zero waste city.
The development of this Strategy is crucial as we balance finite resources with our goals of increased planetary health and long-term sustainability.
The six objectives of the strategy are:
Embed a circular economy by focusing on avoid, reuse, recycle then landfill
Comply with legislation including a focus on environmental management
Maintain ongoing value for money
Ensure flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities