- Western Parkland City Livability Program grant that provides a new pedestrian bridge and viewing platform, and improvements to how visitors access the northern edge of the lake to Waratah Road.
- Preparing Australian Communities - Local Stream grant that allows Council to upgrade the spillways, upstream dam wall and weir infrastructure to improve control of water levels for fire protection and community resilience. It will also provide an upgraded boat ramp, landscaping of the surrounding landscape and a staging area for emergency vehicles.
- Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program funding gives Council the ability to deliver a walk around the lake precinct for the community. In addition, it will fund the completion of the pedestrian bridge and viewing platform across the weir spillway, a new carpark on Sinclair Crescent and Waratah Road, upgraded seating, shelters and BBQ facilities.
- Along the eastern edge of the lake a new viewing platform and pedestrian walkway now link to an accessible path along the lake edge to Waratah Road.
- A new carpark on Waratah Road has been constructed, which links to the accessible path.
- Improvements to sections of the shared path along Sinclair Crescent have been completed.
- Upgrades to the earth embankment (has internal voids and the gabion baskets are at end of life).
- Upgrades to the spillway, floodgate and bridge (assessed as at the end of their useful life).
- Exposing the toe of the embankment for excavation and installation of a new dam embankment face (replacing the deteriorating gabions).
- Inspections to confirm the condition of the subgrade (still unknown and integral to dam safety needs).
- Protect safety of work area in case of rain events.
- Signage on site
- Letter box drops to nearby residents
- Media, advertising and social media
- Direct correspondence to stakeholders
- A survey to formally capture community feedback (available both electronically and in hard-copy).
- Two face-to-face consultation events:
- Safety
- Accessibility standards
- Better views across the lake
- They have been approved by an accessibility consultant.
- Handrails are low enough for someone in a wheelchair to look over the handrail.
- The decking will be heel guard mesh.
- Waratah Road Carpark
- Sinclair Crescent Carpark
- Across the dam wall, the new spillway bridge and pedestrian walkway to Waratah Road at the north-end of the lake.
- West along Waratah Road for a short distance to a bushland track that runs down to Banksia Road along the west of the lake.
- Alongside Banksia Road to Canberra Street.
- Across the bottom of the lake reserve to the east, via a bushland track to Sinclair Crescent.
- North-east along a bushland track to Wentworth Falls Lake Playground and connecting pathways within the precinct.
What is currently taking place to the north of the dam wall?
As part of the dam wall and spillway upgrade at Wentworth Falls Lake, survey monuments need to be installed to provide high-standard referencing points for ongoing dam safety monitoring.
One of the survey monuments (which are effectively survey markings on a pillar) needs to be put in place to the north of the dam wall.
Some tree removal, tree trimming and vegetation removal is underway to allow this work to be done.
The work to install the monument is expected to take place up until the Christmas break, but there will be periods when no work will be undertaken, such as when the concrete is curing.
What is happening at the Wentworth Falls Lake Precinct?
Wentworth Falls Lake Precinct is being upgraded, thanks to grant funding from the:
The upgrades will happen in stages and as much of the lake will be kept open as possible as work occurs.
Why is this upgrade happening?
Wentworth Falls Lake Reserve is one of four district parks in the Blue Mountains.
District parks are large and high-quality parks that cater to the needs of the broader community. They offer a wider variety of activities and settings and are often the most popular parks and playgrounds.
This upgrade is in line with the vision for the park and precinct as outlined in the community-endorsed Wentworth Falls Lake Reserve Masterplan and Plan of Management (adopted on 29 June 2021).
The vision is to provide a high-quality precinct that is accessible and inclusive for the community and visitors, while protecting its natural values and biodiversity, as well as safely managing dam infrastructure.
The current bridge over the spillway is nearing the end of its life and its replacement is necessary for continued use and community safety.
Council will also significantly improve water management infrastructure at the park.
What upgrade works have been completed to date?
Tell me about the Spillway, Dam wall and boat ramp construction works.
On-site preparations for the spillway, dam wall and boat ramp upgrades are underway.
Highly experienced dam remediation contractor, Entracon, has been selected to deliver these important improvements.
The construction methods being used to remediate the spillway and dam wall will result in a small water drawdown of up to 600mm. The condition of the dam wall below the water will require ongoing assessment as work progresses. A coffer dam will not be used.
A small temporary earth dam will be constructed for the boat ramp upgrade.

Why do the dam and spillway need to be upgraded?
The work is required to ensure the structural integrity of the dam wall is maintained. Should the dam fail there is high risk to community safety, including loss of life, and damage to key infrastructure (including the railway line and the Great Western Highway).
Wentworth Falls Lake is formed by a prescribed dam under the Dam Safety Act, regulated by the Dam Safety Committee.
The dam’s earth embankment wall and spillway require essential maintenance and upgrade, which was identified in a 2019 Dam Safety Report. These two pieces of infrastructure are linked and the necessary works include:
Repairs were last undertaken in 1990.
Why is a 600mm water drawdown needed for these safety upgrades to be made?
The essential dam and spillway safety works will require a small water drawdown of 600mm.
Council extensively investigated options to avoid any reduction of the lake water level. However, following expert advice and in consultation with an independent dam specialist, this water drawdown is required to safely complete the work which requires:
An extensive negotiation process has been undertaken with a selection of experienced contractors to arrive at a final construction method that is based on public safety, minimal impact on the environment, financial responsibility and community expectations.
Will the water at the lake be drawn down by 600mm for the duration of the construction period?
The lake will not be drawn down by 600mm for the entire construction period.
During construction, the contractor will manage lake water levels and draw down up to 600mm of water when required to carry out parts of the upgrade works on the dam and spillway.
If the lake naturally refills, the contractor will not draw it down again until it is necessary for work to proceed. This means that the water level of the lake will vary during construction.
Tell me more about the boat ramp area upgrades?
The Wentworth Falls Lake Boat Ramp Upgrade was initiated to improve access to the lake for Rural Fire Service operations and training, and for other emergency or operational services.
The project provides an opportunity to deliver elements of the Wentworth Falls Lake Reserve Masterplan. The Masterplan, which was adopted by Council in June 2021, proposes an active foreshore across the Eastern Picnic Precinct. In line with the Masterplan the project will improve access to the lake for boating and other water recreation, improve pedestrian connections across the boat ramp area and increase opportunities for sitting and picnicking.
The boat ramp upgrade is consistent with the Wentworth Falls Lake Reserve Plan of Management which permits use of the lake for emergency fire fighting. The Masterplan identified retention of the existing boat launch area. When not being used by emergency services it will be available for community use for non-motorised water craft.
The lake is an important part of Blue Mountains Heritage. The lake was formed by damming Jamison Creek to form a water reservoir to power steam engines. After the steam engines were replaced, the Lake became an important recreation asset for the community and has a long association with water recreation. The heritage values of the lake have been carefully considered in the design.
Artist's illustration of the new boat ramp area. Indicative only.

How do these upgrades impact my access to Wentworth Falls Lake during their construction period?
- The area around the boat ramp will remain inaccessible and fenced-off as a construction site.
- The walk along the dam wall will be closed and the area fenced-off.
- Recreational water activities in the lake will be restricted near the dam and boat ramp during construction.
When will the work on the spillway, dam wall and boat ramp be completed?
These works are currently scheduled to be completed in mid-2025.
What community consultation has been held?
On the Masterplan and Plan of Management:
Multiple phases of community consultation occurred during the development of the Plan of Management and Master Plan. This included:
The Draft Wentworth Falls Lake Plan of Management and Draft Masterplan were on public exhibition 12 April – 24 May 2021. Following that, they were endorsed by the Council on 29 June 2021.
On the accessible pedestrian bridge design:
Community consultation, focused on the design of the accessible bridge that will connect to a walkway and dual viewing platform on the north side of the lake, was conducted from 21 January to 7 March 2022. Originally due to end on 18 February, consultation was extended to allow further dialogue with the community.
Download the Community Consultation Report.
On the updated, full precinct upgrade planning:
The most recent community consultation period occurred in November and December 2023.
Consultation and engagement with the community included:
A consultation outcome report for this round of engagement with the community is available here.
What are the design features of the new pedestrian walkway, viewing platform and bridge over the spillway?
The new walkway, viewing platform and bridge over the dam spillway will follow the current footprint. The walkway is almost 2m wide x 56 metres in length.
The pedestrian walkway will be raised to span between the dam and the existing lookout for:
All elements of the design will comply with Australian accessibility standards.
Materials selected for the design of the bridge have been chosen to blend in with the natural surroundings. This includes corten steel, that will weather and blend with the backdrop of the trees and sandstone cutting.
Following community consultation, Council resolved to reduce the height of the corten steel facia on the walkway, viewing platform and bridge, from 650mm to 450mm (the minimum height to meet structural requirements).
The structure will be well integrated, and not visually prominent, despite being some height above the spillway.
Wentworth Falls Lake Master Plan also gives direction to the use of materials and design that highlight the natural setting wherever practical. The current design follows that direction.
Will the works impact the ecological, cultural or heritage value of Wentworth Falls Lake Precinct?
This upgrade is in line with the vision for the precinct, as outlined in the Wentworth Falls Lake Reserve Masterplan and Plan of Management, adopted in 2021. As with all proposed Council projects, extensive environmental assessments have been undertaken. This includes a formal Review of Environmental Factors.
It is important that, while we improve accessibility and the appropriate level of recreational amenity for a district park, we balance this with the need to preserve the natural values of the site, as well as the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultural heritage.
A full flora and fauna study has been undertaken and all work is designed and delivered in consultation with Council’s tree, environment, and heritage teams.
The upgrade works will have a small footprint in relation to the overall site and environmental impacts have been avoided or mitigated in the concept design process.
Will there be additional parking as part of this upgrade?
The upgrades will provide formalisation and sealing of existing off-road carparking at the:
Approximately 90 car spaces will be delivered as part of this project. Formalising the parking areas makes the best use of the available space, allowing more cars to park safely.
Additionally, the Sinclair Crescent Carpark will benefit from an extension of approximately 200m to provide more carparking, traffic management measures and a bus stop.
Adjacent car parking and pedestrian connections to the new toilet block were also improved in 2018-2019.
What is the proposed route of the Precinct Walk around the lake?
Providing a Precinct Walk around Wentworth Falls Lake will provide visitors with increased opportunity to enjoy the beautiful outdoor environment at Wentworth Falls Lake.
From the eastern end of the lake at Sinclair Crescent, it's proposed that the Precinct Walk will run:
Why isn’t there a shorter option proposed for the Precinct Walk – cutting through the bushland opposite Banksia Road and linking to the weir at the southern end of the lake?
This location presents a challenging and steep profile which leads into a swap-land environment. To reduce impact on the biodiversity at the lake, no track will be formalised at this location.
Why won’t the Precinct Walk run along the water’s edge on the western side of the lake?
We are keeping the western edge of the lake untouched. This area provides a refuge for wildlife and will also frame the impressive natural views over the lake and its surroundings from the new viewing platform and walkway.