Plan of Management and Masterplan adopted by Council on 29 June 2021
Wentworth Falls Lake Plan of Management and Masterplan adopted by Council on Tuesday, 29 June
On 29 June 2021, following an extensive public exhibition and consultation period, Council adopted the Wentworth Falls Lake Plan of Management and Master Plan. These plans were adopted with a minor amendment relating to events.
The Council resolved that events will be limited to 500 people at any one time and will follow the events booking process which will consider noise, parking and residential amenity.
Council also resolved to prioritise a parking precinct plan for the area around the lake and to seek grants to complete the loop walk.
You can view the final Wentworth Falls Lake Plan of Management and Master Plan by clicking on these links or by going to the Document Library to the right of this page.
Blue Mountains City Council would like to thank the community for your ongoing interest and input into this important community space.