Next stage of the upgrade project
The next stage of the upgrade project at Wentworth Falls Lake focuses on the design of an accessible bridge that will connect to a walkway and dual viewing platform on the north side of the lake. The design follows the same footprint as the current walkway and platform.
See a large artist's impression of the new accessible walkway on the north side of the lake.
This project is part of the Wentworth Falls Lake Masterplan and Plan of Management, adopted in 2021 after extensive consultation with the community.
Our survey for this current round of community consultation closed in March 2022. Thank you to all who provided feedback!
Download the Community Consultation Report.
The upgrade follows the construction of a brand new play space at the lake foreshore in 2021 and will be accompanied by improved pedestrian access from Blaxland Road to the lake in 2022 (see more on this project here).