Wentworth Falls Lake Precinct Stakeholder Advisory Group
27 November 2023
On Monday, 20 November 2023 the Wentworth Falls Lake Precinct Stakeholder Advisory Group convened for their first meeting.
The Advisory group is made up of nine community representatives and a number of Council’s project team who are working to deliver this important program of upgrades.
One of the key roles of the Advisory Group is to provide another channel of communication between Council and the wider community about the lake precinct upgrade process. The group acts in an advisory capacity and represents a diversity of skills, experience and interests.
Members represent the broader community and can be contacted about the lake precinct upgrade for the purpose of raising questions to Council through the Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings.
Wentworth Falls Lake Precinct Stakeholder Advisory Group members:
- Clancy Matthews: clancy@ovomalley.com
- Patricia Cree: pcree@bigpond.net.au
- Paul Grimson: pgrimsonwf@gmail.com
- Paul Robilliard: probilliard@tpg.com.au
- Ricky Spencer: r.spencer@westernsydney.edu.au
- Robert John Walters: Robert.john.walters@gmail.com
- Robin Shreeve: shreeverobin@yahoo.com.au
- Steve Hart: stevehart12@bigpond.com
- Susan Spooner: sue@spoonerwright.net
The next Advisory Group meeting will occur in the new year and a date will be communicated in advance.