Partial opening of new accessible walkway - Wentworth Falls Lake
6 September 2024
The new accessible pathway running along the eastern edge of Wentworth Falls Lake is now partially open to the community.
From its entrance at Waratah Road, about 290 meters of the accessible path that winds along the lake shore is open for use. The path currently ends at the construction area of the new viewing platform, close to the spillway and dam.
Walkers will then need to return along the path back to Waratah Road or take the walking track up to Apanie Lane.
Please keep out of the construction area.
It’s always been the plan to progressively open parts of the lake upgrades as they’re completed and we’re thrilled to be able to invite the community to check out this section of finished work.
Thanks to the community for your patience while the work has been underway – we appreciate that it’s been inconvenient.
Work on the viewing platform and pedestrian walkway is ongoing and is currently anticipated to be completed in early October, as is the new carpark on Waratah Road.