About weigh in on waste
Council is currently reviewing the Blue Mountains waste strategy to ensure that future needs for addressing our waste are met. An independent review of the options available for managing waste from the Blue Mountains has been carried out. The review can be downloaded from the library – just look for ‘Waste Management Options – Full Report’ or ‘Waste Management Options – Summary’ for the abridged version.
Council organised a community engagement program between March and 12 April to give residents the opportunity to tell Council what is important to them for the future of waste in the Blue Mountains. Council representatives met with hundreds of residents at the Springwood Festival in March, where residents were asked to rank a range of factors. Three workshops were held and were attended by between 30 and 50 people each who were given the opportunity to express their views in greater depth. In addition to these events, Blue Mountains residents have completed over 200 surveys and made almost the same number of contributions to the online forum. Both the survey and forum are now closed, although the forum comments can still be viewed.
The suggestions and comments Council has received to date will inform the development of the draft waste strategy, which will be available for public exhibition in July.
Consultation has concluded.