Report on Outcomes of Area Community Workshops
In December 2016, Blue Mountains City Council released a report on outcomes from the five area community workshops that were facilitated by IRIS Research in August 2016. The goal of these workshops was to inform the update of the Community Strategic Plan by obtaining public input on the key values, aspirations and priorities of residents regarding the future of the Blue Mountains Local Government Area.
Workshops were held in Blackheath, Katoomba, Lawson, Springwood and Warrimoo, with 130 residents attending across the five locations. Participants were randomly-selected by IRIS Research, with the aim of recruiting a representative sample of residents by age and sex to mirror the population characteristics within each planning area.
Workshop participants identified the top five priorities for the future of the Blue Mountains as follows:
- Improving housing diversity;
- Protecting the environment and our World Heritage Area;
- Improving public transport and access to it;
- Improving roads and traffic management; and
- Maintaining the character of our towns and villages.
Thank you for your interest in this project. This consultation is now over and the final document can be accessed online at