2016 Community Survey Results
The 2016 Community Survey was commissioned by Blue Mountains City Council as the thirteenth in a series of surveys aimed at monitoring community satisfaction with the quality and level of services provided by Council. It was also designed to identify current major issues of concern at the local and citywide levels, and to identify priorities for action and funding over the next 5-10 years.
The survey was independently conducted by IRIS Research via telephone interview, and involved 1,000 randomly-selected residents from across the Blue Mountains. Strict sampling procedures ensured that age and sex characteristics of selected respondents mirrored those of the overall adult population.
The 2016 survey results reflect highly on the performance of the Council overall, and in particular on the performance of staff and Councillors. The greatest issues of concern for the Blue Mountains overall were:
- Roads - congestion, maintenance, safety and access;
- Western Sydney Airport;
- Bushfires - prevention, response, safety and management;
- Environment - bushcare, regeneration, weed control and waterways; and
- Development - well-planned, not over-development.
Further details on resident satisfaction with Council services and priorities for improvement can be found in the Community Telephone Survey Report.
Thank you for your interest in this project. This consultation is now over and the final document can be accessed online at www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au.