Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Workshops

As part of the review and update of the Community Strategic Plan, the Council conducted two consultation workshops with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living and working in the Blue Mountains.

These workshops were held in December 2015 at Katoomba and Springwood and were widely advertised, as well invitations being sent to a large number of residents. A short video shows footage from the workshops and provides information on the key outcomes.

Top priorities identified in the workshops included:

  • Access to jobs, training and education;
  • Improved health services;
  • Affordable housing;
  • Developing Aboriginal leadership;
  • Acknowledging significance of Aboriginal places with cultural and spiritual meaning; and
  • Cultural land management practices.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Report contains more detail on the workshop outcomes.

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Thank you for your interest in this project. This consultation is now over and the final document can be accessed online at www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au

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